View Full Version : Experienced with Panic but new here!

10-06-11, 21:31
Hi Guys,

Wow what a site this all is!! I'm 27 from London, had my first panic attack about four years ago , while in bed. Have been having them reasonably frequently and general anxiety levels are usually high. I would love to make a motorway trip soon without the fear of passing out, or thinking im going to fall out of my seat onto the motorway!!! I'm going on holiday in August too but again very apprehensive about this.

I have recently been prescribed 50mg of Setraline, and yesterday had an induction of a hypnosis session, but no hypno took place until my gp sends the letter over!

But!! I am not sad. It's something that has been sent to test me. I know how petrifying they can be and how death is almost inevitable when your mind is put in that position, but i WILL not let it stop me from living my life. Panic attacks are fight or flight, i know they want to protect you from danger, but recently i have been saying "no thank you, i dont need protecting right now, i will let you know when i do" and for me acknowledging it seems to take a LOT of the edge off (wev'e all sat their squirming to avoid it!) Anyway im waffling now.

Hope to make some friends here too!

11-06-11, 01:58
Hi Tommy05

I am on Sertraline (as well as Propranolol, a beta-blocker). Sertraline does take a few weeks to kick in usually and side effects can be a pain initially, but I have found myself to be so much better after it started to work properly.

You are doing all the right things. I hope your hypnosis goes well too. Is that on the NHS or do you have to pay extra?

Best of luck with it all Tommy.


11-06-11, 12:41
Hi Tyke,

Yeah been on setraline for a few weeks, and can deffinatley feel the benefits! The hypnotherapy is private, its £60 for an hour session, quite steep, but thought hey why not! lol

I'l keep you informed on how it goes!