View Full Version : panic!

10-06-11, 22:13
I have been suffering with anxiety for around a year now but it seems it is getting worse. I have always had panic attacks (http://www.uncommonforum.com/glossary/panic-attacks.html) but these only occured mainly on airplanes or underground trains,lifts etc anywhere i feel trapped and out of control of my situation. I avoid going out by myself and mostly like to have someone with me, to distract me and make me feel more comfortable. I used to be such an independant person but now that's changed. I had a horrific time on an airplane last year, as it took off, i experienced a range of physical effects and generaly thought that was it! I'm now due to go on a plane again in 1 months time. Just the thought of it can be enough to make me feel anxious, and i'm counting down the days! If anyone has any advice for me that would be greatly appreciated!

11-06-11, 01:39
Hi Lauren

Avoiding things will only make it worse in the long run. If the things you avoid you will never need to do again, then that's fine, but if you want to be able to do these things, the only way is to gradually face them. It will really restrict your life if you can't go out on your own, so that would probably be a good fear to try and tackle. Maybe you could start with something small - just going to the nearest shop on your own or something. If you can't face going in the shop, just look in the window for a while then go home again.

With your flying fear it would probably be worth asking your doctor if you can have something to calm you for the flight. Unless you are flying very frequently, this would mean that you could take something as a one off just for that purpose. That should help you feel you can deal with that situation better and reduce your worries beforehand as well. You could also enquire about other medications which you could take in the longer term if you think you may benefit from them. I take a beta-blocker for physical anxiety symptoms as well as an anti-depressant. Beta-blockers are often useful for dealing with panic attacks.

You will find lots of helpful information on here. We are all in the same 'anxious' boat and you can greatly improve your situation, you just have to find what works best for you.


11-06-11, 14:36
thanks for your response, I probably made my situation sound a lot worse than it is, i'm not afriad to leave the house on my own, i just try and avoid it, going to the shops is not a problem for me at the moment, but i just think if i don't try harder to battle the anxiety, it may be one day! and I think i will visit my doctor just to seek his advice on something i could possibly take to keep me calm on the flight. Physical anxiety is also a problem for me, i suffer from heart palpatations, but i'm not sure weather it's these that first caused the anxiety, or weather the panic attacks gave me heart palpataions. I have seen a cardiologist who said it was a minor inconveniance and nothing serious, but have not yet seen anyone on anxiety, but i think I will now, thanks
