View Full Version : Petrified...pregnant

22-04-06, 14:44
Hi all

I dont even know why i am posting this bcos its not a symptom caused by anxiety,anyway...

I have had pain on the right side of my pelvis for months now,i have pain in my lower back and hip also.
I had an early scan where the mw checked my ovaries and said they looked fine
I am 19 weeks pregnant but this pain started about 6 weeks before i became pregnant.

I have had my 13 week scan and i presume they didnt see anything then (the mw told me they would have if theyd spotted something)

I have another scan this week,and while most people look forward to their major scan i am dreading what they will find.

One side(the painful side)of my bump feels swollen and the muscles etc are much harder all of the time

Im so so scared,i should be enjoying my pregnancy but instead i am just filled with fear.I know they have missed something

Sorry for going on ,just needed to get it out i spose

Hunny xx

Also dreamt of my own funeral last night and i cant stop crying[V]

22-04-06, 14:58
Hi Hunny

Congratulations on been pregnant, I understand how you feel, I panicked my way thought my pregnancy ten years ago and have a lovely son! Please be assured that scans are so accurate and what you are feeling will be your baby having a move around or a good stretch!
I used to get feet and elbows sticking out all over the place!

It just goes to show what a caring mum you will be that you are so concerned! Our bodies go through so many hormonal changes when pregnant,

Take Care

Wendy xx

22-04-06, 15:00
I am sure that they havnt missed anything these scans now a days are so indepth that they would have picked up any abnormality. As for the pains that you are having, im sure that you probably did have them before you knew you were pregnant but i bet they were not as bad as the are now you are just amplifying everything in your head, thats what happens to us anxious people. It is normal to have some degree of discomfort during pregnancy. you need to remember that certain hormones relax smooth muscles and can cause all sorts of weird aches and pains,also at 19 weeks you now have a little person in there who could be lyingon a little nerve and giving you pain, i remember after aroundthe 22 week mark in my first pregnancy i could hardly walk for the pain in my back and right hip due to sciatica.Also something to remember the more you focus on your pain the worse it will become its a viscious circle. I hope i have helped, and may i wish you every happiness with your new baby

I just want my life back

22-04-06, 19:11
Hi hunny,

Congrats. I am 19wks and 4 days preggo...I had my scan on Thursday. I also had my regular appt that day and expressed to the doctors how I keep getting this terrible pain more on my right side than my left and how it just stops me in my tracks...he told me it was my round ligaments stretching to make room for the babe...it hurts like heck I know...and at first it scared me as well.

The scans are pretty accurate and go ahead and look forward to it..you'll get to see this wonderful little being inside of you..

By the way...
I've been a nervous wreck this pregnancy too. The thought of giving birth in 4mos..terrifies me and i've done it before. If you ever wanna chat just please pm and i'll let you voice your concerns and me in turn [8D]

Take Care of You,


22-04-06, 23:51
hi hunny

the scans are so good they realy are when i was having my baby i had an early scan cos of probs .
i carnt remember how many weeks i was but it was realy early i had no pain no probs and they found i had an overian cyist i was fine and had an op a few weeks later .
i realy dont think there will be anything wrong with you they would of seen on the scan i am sure of that .
with my second i had loads of funny pains and stuff and i told the midwife she allways sead it was your body stretching nothing more if there was prob with ovaries you probably wouldent be pregnant .
jo x

26-04-06, 19:20
Thanks so much for your replies

My scan is tomorrow and i am so terrified

Hunny xx

Congrats on your pregnancy Tina xx

26-04-06, 22:13
sounds like your wee baby is lying mostly on one side of youhunny. you can get many pains during pregnancy most of which are due to sweeilg belly and baby having a wonderful time in his / her wee safe environment.

i hope this helps. ive had five kids and i know thepains are hard to understand but honestly if something was wrong with the baby it would not present itself in this way, and there is nothing wrong with you or someone would have seen it by now

enjoy tomorrow if you can it really is a special day and there to be enjoyed, and apprehensive i know
