View Full Version : Constantly feel as though I can't breathe lately

10-06-11, 22:50
As the title says, I can't breathe, I feel as though I have something on my chest, it feels so tight and I get a tightness in my throat too. It feels as though the only way to relieve this is to yawn or force myself to breathe from the top part of my chest and not in the normal way from the diaphram (sp?) or stomach. Its really starting to get scary now, I had it a little when I was younger but back then it didnt bother me as much. Sometimes I'm in such a state of panic that I am constantly forcing myself to breathe and it actually hurts my chest, it also gives me a headache. I feel like I might damage myself soon or that I'm going to die. Especially in my sleep. I feel very tense, my hands are tight and I feel the constant need to curl my toes. Please help! I can't breathe at the moment and I'm always breathless now! :(

11-06-11, 01:14
What do you mean it hurts your chest?

Anyways if you were really having a problem breathing (like physically, not psychologically) then you would know. You wouldn't be able to breathe. You wouldn't be able to "force yourself to breathe" whatever that means. The fact that you're breathing at all means it's most likely all in your head.

11-06-11, 12:00
What do you mean it hurts your chest?

Anyways if you were really having a problem breathing (like physically, not psychologically) then you would know. You wouldn't be able to breathe. You wouldn't be able to "force yourself to breathe" whatever that means. The fact that you're breathing at all means it's most likely all in your head.

Well it makes my chest hurt because I'm forcing myself to breathe. I refer to it as bad breathing and I'm constantly worrying about it

anx mum
11-06-11, 12:40
As the title says, I can't breathe, I feel as though I have something on my chest, it feels so tight and I get a tightness in my throat too. It feels as though the only way to relieve this is to yawn or force myself to breathe from the top part of my chest and not in the normal way from the diaphram (sp?) or stomach. Its really starting to get scary now, I had it a little when I was younger but back then it didnt bother me as much. Sometimes I'm in such a state of panic that I am constantly forcing myself to breathe and it actually hurts my chest, it also gives me a headache. I feel like I might damage myself soon or that I'm going to die. Especially in my sleep. I feel very tense, my hands are tight and I feel the constant need to curl my toes. Please help! I can't breathe at the moment and I'm always breathless now! :(

Ive had this symptom loads hun and its awful u will get enough air just feels horrible like your suffocatting i hate this symptom have u tried blowing into a paper bag

11-06-11, 13:33
The reason i have bad anxiety is because of my breathing. I 100% know how you feel. There isnt a day gone by where i havn't monitored my breathing. I have a constant struggle to breathe, i feel breathless just walking up the stairs and im not over weight and im only 23. I can be sitting down and just cant get enough air, i will try and take a deep breathe but cant quite get it and that panics me and makes me worse. But i feel like my airways are blocked and cant exhale at all. Feels like your under water type thing. My chest hurts because im always trying to adjust the way i breathe by always trying to take deep breathes and i always feel like i have something on my chest because it feels wheezy.
If i have walked a very small distance outside like literally a 2 minute walk my chest will start wheezy and when im back in the house for the rest of that day and the night i will constantly be coughing.
As im writing this too i am finding it hard to breathe. I went to the doctors a few times because i genuinly feel that its asthma but they put it down to anxiety which i think its unfair because they should be able to rule out things etc.

As for yawning, i always yawn, one after the other sometimes and it does make me feel dizzy.

When you say your breathless are you actually like panting for air type thing? like not been able to catch your breath as if you been running or something? Because alot of the time i felt breathless from not even hardlys moving and i panic, alot of people say well you dont look out of breathe, and im like "well i am out of breathe, i cant breathe properly"

Its really awful though and scary which is why i dont dare go anywhere basically out the house, i dont go anywhere alone. It does depress me because i have 3 small kids and im so envious when i see people doing normal things etc.

If you ever want to talk just message me :)

11-06-11, 14:09
Hiya, I get these constantly too, it feels like ur chest hurts when u breathe too, my doctor said this is called the fright n flight mode ur body has when u panic and get anxiety, I have been suffering a lot with panic attacks and anxiety that everyday I'm constantly worried sumthing is going to happen, maybe you need to have a good talk to a doctor, anything that makes you feel like this u need help xx