View Full Version : walking on egg shells!

11-06-11, 00:05

Since my new neighbour mr ross donnelly moved in up the stairs, I felt uneasy, was not sure what it was. now I know.

Every time I'm on the phone, my family on the phone, we play some music, watch tv. walk down the hall, he jumps on the floor so hard, shakes the lights.

attacking my son, threatening my son. though I have informed the police about the incident got an incident number.

this evening more banging down because I have the tv on. feels like i'm walking on egg shells, feels like I can not live in my flat.

all this over a few days. my home no longer a safe place to be, I just got over being afriad to be at home due to past issues, now this.

I dont trust my neighbour at all. if we are not quiet, or else. that's to me is blackmail kind of.

going to the council on Monday, anywhere else is better than living under mr ross donelly.

sorry for ranting.


11-06-11, 00:15
Hi yvonne
is he a council or private tenant?

so so sorry to hear you are being harassed like this ............he is one mean nasty man .

keep your diary of what he is doing and see the council as soon as possible .
thinking of you ..............it is horrible I know .stay strong as you can :hugs:

11-06-11, 09:36
Hi yvonne
is he a council or private tenant?

so so sorry to hear you are being harassed like this ............he is one mean nasty man .

keep your diary of what he is doing and see the council as soon as possible .
thinking of you ..............it is horrible I know .stay strong as you can :hugs:

thank you snowgoose, for your kind words, very much appreciated, thanks.:hugs: