View Full Version : anxiety symptoms

11-06-11, 00:29
I have common anxiety symptoms, pain in chest, struggling/shortness of breath, sore muscles/joints, feeling like there is a lump in the back of my throat ect and on top of that i have acid reflux. i know this may sound silly but is it common to have these when only thinking about negative things now and then and not actually going into a full panic attack? and how will i know if there is something actually wrong when i am just putting it down to anxiety?.

Thanks x

11-06-11, 03:04
Hi Lauren

When you are thinking negatively it raises your anxiety, so you produce the symptoms. Thinking negatively also makes you more aware of the symptoms. Not everyone with anxiety goes into a full panic attack all the time. I have more of a general anxiety, which means I feel raised anxiety levels, but never panic unless it is really bad. After years of having anxiety I now know what symptoms are caused by my anxiety and what would seem different. Over time you will become more familiar with what is caused by your usual anxiety and what seems out of place.


11-06-11, 10:01
It's like stress - you feel rotten but you don't have stress attacks. Anxiety attack symptoms would be more severe. Maybe try some relaxation exercises to relax your muscles a bit. You can look these up on the internet or in the library.

12-06-11, 17:53
Thank you very much guys, also going on to google and typing in my symptoms is making me worried about things i think i have convinced myself i had aids,cancer,appendicitis ect!, when really it was just down to anxiety! will have a look for some relaxation exercises though :)

Lauren x

12-06-11, 17:57
I was exactly like you - typing things into google - i now avoid it!

If i need reassurance i read through posts on the forum or the articles on the lefthand side


12-06-11, 19:44
i really am trying to stop but curiosity get the better of me and the next thing i know i have all these problems.

thank you xx

13-06-11, 11:49
join the club i feel like have everything wrong with me but is all anxiety.

13-06-11, 20:20
Hi lauren, im feeling excatly the same as you at the moment, for me the worse symptom is the shortness if breathe horrible!

14-06-11, 16:34
its terrible! you feel like you are just going to die it actually stops me from sleeping sometimes, really hard! but im sure we will all get through it with the advice from each other. Take care
Lauren x