View Full Version : Treatmenf for my Genital Warts...?

11-06-11, 06:35
I've just discover a few days go that i had warts near on my behind.. I'm just aware because it get more itchy as days goes by.

Do you know any treatment for my case?

I heard about the Oxyfend cream from my friends but I'm not still convince if this cream is really effective for my warts.

Have you aware about this cream? Is it really effective treatment?

Thank you! I'm so eager to remove this itchy warts..

11-06-11, 09:08
Are you sure they are warts and not Hemaeroids ?

25-06-11, 10:57
I've consulted a doctor, and Confirmed it's warts. The doctor prescribed me the OxyFend Cream (the treatment that talking about my friends before). I saw a change within the first day! Within four days it was drying and gone on the 9th day, and best of all, the scarring faded fast.

25-06-11, 12:24
If the cream worked karen, then I guess you've answered your own question?

26-06-11, 12:32
Yes kibbutz83. It really works for me! Back to the normal life : )

08-07-11, 22:49
i have these warts somewhere between the legs. they're all clumped up on one place, are these genital warts? if it's the case, would you recommend Oxyfend for me? or would there be other options just because i'm not sure what these could be? i;m scared of going to the doctors.

08-07-11, 22:57
Look go to the STI clinic most of them are free (try and go after each new partner)
Do the responsible and go to the doctor, they are few things that can be done just like with regular warts, creams , freezing maybe even lasering them off.
They may or may not come back, the HPV virus that cause warts doesn't cause cancer so thats good at least but HPV is also another reason to keep up with your yearly smear tests as some of HPV virus can cause cancer while other HPV viruses can clear up naturally.
Try not to feel embarrassed, it happens to lots of people and doctors are used to it :) their job is to help you.