View Full Version : antidepressant withdrawl

22-04-06, 15:59
Hi All I am new to this forum I have suffered from panic attacks for may years but was put on Seroxat 8 years ago for panic attacks which in retrospect were quite mild.I stopped taking Seroxat 1 year ago as I thought I was better.Since stopping I have suffered from the usual withdrawl symptoms but stilll after ayear I have the most awful anxiety, irrational fear and depression.all this is much worse that what I originally had prior to Seroxat.I am interested to know if any one else has stoppped antidepressants and expierienced similar problems

23-04-06, 09:42

I stopped my meds last October and managed to last for 6 months without them, my anxiety flared back up again, so I have now gone back on them. I was on them for nearly 8 years before I came off them the first time too.

I am now of the attitude, if they stop the anxiety and panic attacks, what the hell, I will take them.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

23-04-06, 10:44
Hi Squirel,

I have been taking meds for the last 7 years on and off, like you also 6 month to a year later my symptoms come back,

i agree with trace if they give you a better quality of life then what the hell, i will take them too.

Love Andrea

23-04-06, 11:05
I am also new to this forum, i was on seroxat for around 4 years, and i was ok for the first 2 months after i came off them, but ever since i have also suffered from depression and my panic fear has got worse. All i can say is as claire weekes says in her book, try to float past, dont rush things and nobody has ever died from a panic attack. It is taking time with me but i cant get any worse the only way is up.

23-04-06, 17:34
Hi All

Squirrel; Go the Seroxat mad forum. www.Seroxmad. something or other. You will get it up on a search engine.

This website is dedicated to people in Seroxat withdrawal.

I had the most disgusting withdrawal from Seroxat last year so I know how you feel.

Seroxat is said to be the most difficult of all the ssri's to come off. Withdrawal has to be mega slow, due to the med's half life in the system. Unfortunately for me, my gp didn't realise this and was withdrawing me too quickly.

Try the Seroxat mad forum. you will get lots of support there and when you read the posts you will realise that feeling dreadful when coming off Seroxat is very very common. You will also find information on which supplements to take to alleviate the symptoms of withdrawl.

Take care.


Y Goble

23-04-06, 18:39
Yvonne , how are you now,what were your symptoms? how long had you taken Seroxat for?

25-04-06, 22:28

I have never felt the same since coming off Seroxat. I am on a different med now, it's the second one I have had since Seroxat. I did try Citalapram but it didn't seem to alleviate the symptoms of my depression or anxiety very well. I am now on another med - it's early days so I have to see how it goes.

I was on Seroxat for 6 years prescribed for anxiety/panic disorder.

I would imagine that you are through the washout period from Seroxat.

Have you had different meds since Seroxat?

A good website for info on meds - including withdrawal is www.crazymeds.org. Also go to the Seroxat forum I mentioned before; www.seroxatmad.co.uk., there is also Paxil Progress and the Paroxetine Message Board.

Hope this helps and hope you're feeling a little better. If you want to pm me regarding my withdrawal from Seroxat t hen please do and I'll be happy to answer any questions y ou may want to ask.

Take care.

Y Goble