View Full Version : Coming off Citalopram

11-06-11, 11:19
Hello all!

I've stopped taking Citalopram since Tuesday. I've been phased onto Mirtazapine which I'm taking 30mg at night. Since not having the Citalopram I've started feeling more blank and have lost my sense of self if that makes any sense? I've also had the muscle/nerve twitching, yesterday was really bad and I think that has made me feel worst. I used to get this twitching and 'brain shivers' when I would forget a Citalopram tablet and then it would stop when I've taken it. Is these side effects common when coming off Citalopram? I also feel weak and achey and was meant to go out to town this morning but got frightened how I was feeling and decided not to. I'm meant to be going out this afternoon but I'm slightly afraid too but will be with my mum and a friend.

Any help will be appreciated.

11-06-11, 11:31
Sorry your not feeling to good . I,m not much help as have no experience of changeing meds , i,ve been on citralapram 20 mg for 6 months .

Go out this afternoon , take a deep breath and you are in good safe hands with family and friends . You will feel much better for doing it , perhaps not at the time but you will do when you get home . Have a nice afternoon :yesyes:

11-06-11, 17:46
Thanks Mel. I did go out, felt ok the first half but got really tired and anxious the 2nd half of the trip. Still feeling the same but it was good to get out.

11-06-11, 18:11
Well done for going :yesyes:

Small steps as they say:D