View Full Version : emetophobic, ate out of date food

11-06-11, 15:09
I ate some cheesecake this morning that went out of date yesterday :(! I mean it was only 11 hours or so past the Use By date but I'm still quite anxious about it. Does this sound bad?

11-06-11, 15:12
not at all Mezzo.......dont worry in the least .
the margins shops use for use by dates is very wide .
you will be fine .dont fret anymore . honest xx

11-06-11, 15:14
thank you very much x

thin ice
11-06-11, 15:45
your doomed :roflmao:

thin ice
11-06-11, 16:06
Mezzo, sorry if my reply was stupid.

i should of looked up emetophobic first.:blush: i never knew it existed:blush:

im sure youl be fine though :)

11-06-11, 16:27
Hi u will be fine BELIEVE me am also emetophobic and I never eat anything that a day out of date etc (well I never used to) untill I read in the papers that's they are stopping sell by dates as basically they mean nothing,, my dad never goes by dates he can (well does) eat stuff dated from last year etc :( I couldn't leave it that long and last week he drank guinness 2years out of date and he was fine we say he has a stomach of steel lol but he always tells me it goes by smell by date not sell by date haha but I no what ur going through with the NEGATIVE thinking as am the same but mine is more about “have I eaten to much“ I HATE it so so much and wish I just could control all my negative thinking just rules are lives why cnt we be scared of something like spiders etc we can run away from ?

11-06-11, 17:17
aw it's fine thin ice, don't worry, I took it as a joke :)

thank you very much honeyp1e, I have heard this about sell-by dates as well but that just makes me think "ohhh how will I know?!" as I'm sure you understand! and yeah it's really hard to be scared of something that you know will probably happen to you one day :(

11-06-11, 19:24
aw it's fine thin ice, don't worry, I took it as a joke :)

thank you very much honeyp1e, I have heard this about sell-by dates as well but that just makes me think "ohhh how will I know?!" as I'm sure you understand! and yeah it's really hard to be scared of something that you know will probably happen to you one day :(

yea it is horrible but its mainly all in are heads like if you eat a steak, how do you like it cooked ? i like mine well done so it looks black lol were as my mums partner has his just sealed so its dripping with blood :shrug: and i look at him and think eeeeeeeee no way could i eat it like that it just goes to show us emet's let are minds rule us also take a look at bear grylls he does survival programme's and eats raw animals just chops them up and munches on them :huh: that's something i DEFO couldn't do x x
when i stopped eating due to loss of appetite with having bad anxiety and my phobia on top of all this i just couldnt force myself to eat as i worried if i ate i would be sick... anyway i had many doctors/ nurses / dietitians etc all explain to me that food WILL NOT make you vomit no matter how much you ate you would just gain weight unless your food had toxins in it etc then that would make you sick other wise you will be fine but i had it in my mind if i ate i would be sick or i would over eat and be sick etc all mind over matter x

13-06-11, 09:28
How strange. I have never heard of this before but it sounds just like me! I won't eat a single thing that goes out of date by just one day. I smell anything first just to check there is nothing funny about it and check it's colour and texture ect before cooking, especially if it's meat. If I am eating something just one minor thing can put me off it. For instance if I see a dark bit in the food, or a bit of gristle in the meat or a slight bit of mis-colour or pinkness...That's it I don't eat the rest and I go hungry.

13-06-11, 09:31
Forgot to mention I think I got worse, when I look back, when I ate a tin of new potatoes in minted water that was a year out of date! My friends said they would be fine but I was vommitting all night and never ate anything out of date again! Some people said it could just have been coincidence because the potatoes would have been fine, but I'm not convinced and it planted a seed.