View Full Version : Prostate Cancer? Please Help!!

11-06-11, 16:45
Hi there!!

I haven't been on here for a while as I have been keeping my HA kinda under control and trying to stay away from the computer and dr google. Unfortunately during the past week i seem to be back to square 1 :weep:.

A few months ago my hubby mentioned that it took him a while for his urine to come out and that it wasn't coming out as strong and that he felt that he hadn't emptied his bladder properly. He didn't mention it again and I forgot about it but today he said that his hip was hurting and it felt like he had a trapped nerve. Stupidly I started googling symptoms and came across a website that said that men with prostate cancer can have secondary cancer that spreads to the hips. I am now in a complete and utter state that this is what has happened to him :weep:.

He is 39 and usually quite healthy. he isn't over weight. If he had secondary cancer would he have other symptoms? He hasn't lost weight and doesn't feel ill. He also isn't having any probs with erections.

I know that he is young to have prostate cancer but I also keep thinking what if he is one of the small percentage of men in their thirties to get it. I should ask him if his urine is ok now but I am too scared too.

Please please can someone give me any words of reasurance?

Thank you so much!

11-06-11, 17:11
Please can anyone help?

many thanks.

11-06-11, 17:57
You really do need to ask him how he feels and if the urine is now ok and then take it from there I think.

11-06-11, 19:30
Its normal for men at 39 up to start to have reduced flow in urine. It happens to everyone and getting pains there in the groin area is normal in men as they age. Im sure his prostate is just enlarged a little but will get better and if he has been doing any heavy lifting ,riding bikes,horses or jumping from a few feet to the ground it can cause him pain. Im sure its minor issue. Just one of lifes wonderful things about ageing. It if doesnt go away get to go to the dr for a prostate exam.There are many other nuisances of the prostate besides cancer and. they are harmless but annoying. Get him to look up online about the different kinds of prostate problems with men and he will see its not really too bad ,like I said annoying. Also look up pudendal nerve pain and check it out. Although im no doctor I can assure you its not cancer. Good luck. Michael

12-06-11, 03:24
I think the odds of prostate cancer are really slim to virtually none at 39/ Here is the US only 0.6% of men get it before 45, thats a tiny amount!

Also I had no idea but its almost entirely curable in early stages. According to the SEER stats in the US it has a 100% cure rate in stage 1 or 2. So don't stress about it just stick to standard screenings and all will be well!

Relax and all will be well! (easy to say I know)
