View Full Version : Love depression

11-06-11, 16:50
Hi guys,

This thread don't really fit in this section but I'll still write it so any of you might help. (I've also suffered from anxiety but now it's love depression).

I like this girl so much I'm feeling depressed but not the hole time, even though I can't eat and completly lost my appetite, I'm not enjoying anything and I'm constantly thinking about her, when she will be online, waiting to write me on skype, fb etc or text me on my cell. I know her for 5 years, I was into her on and off. I was never that close to her still we are hanging out from time to time and communicating (mostly online, skype facebook etc.) but friends included in our hangouts. Now I'm like crazy about her for the past month. These couple of days I went out with her and some friends, when I'm with her I'm constantly changing the mood, depressed than happy a little bit then depressed again. I really need to be with her, really like all about her. I've never told her I like her so I don't know how she'll feel about that (she know that I was into her but it was way way back like 5 years ago when I bearly know her), she's really friendly and almost flirty with all my friends including me so I can't tell if she's into me or she's just like that... That's why I don't know what to do. Stop hanging out with her or try and tell her how I feel (which I don't have balls to do yet, maybe when I get drunk :))... Please help me a little bit here before I go into some dark place.

Thank you.

11-06-11, 17:22
Hi Baster

The only way to resolve this is to tell her how you feel. Nothing over the top, but just enough to see how she reacts. If you don't do this you could go on like this for ages and you never know when someone else might make a move. Sure, it will be tough if she knocks you back, but if she is interested and you don't find out then you could be missing out on something really special. Try to be realtively sober when you ask though, she won't want to think it's just the drink talking.


11-06-11, 22:07
Hi Baster

The only way to resolve this is to tell her how you feel. Nothing over the top, but just enough to see how she reacts. If you don't do this you could go on like this for ages and you never know when someone else might make a move. Sure, it will be tough if she knocks you back, but if she is interested and you don't find out then you could be missing out on something really special. Try to be realtively sober when you ask though, she won't want to think it's just the drink talking.


Thanks for you reply Tyke, you are right I should be realtively sober to tell her that but I feel like I don't have any courage to do that now. Also was thinking what to tell her. It's really wired for me to ask stuff like this on forums, so asking wiredly is another anxiety trigger If I'm losing my mind or not (you'll read below the other :) ) Anyway I've never had depression before, I have this strange feeling inside me, the best I can describe is like I feel something that really bothers me inside and sometimes I feel like I'll break down and cry. To add, I've been experiencing high anxiety the last 4-5 months and I still have some strange thoughts and I really need to be sure that I won't lose my mind, that's the stuff that bothers me the most plus I feel like my mind is tired, it's hard to concentrate, hard to process things and stuff like that. Is it possible that I'm losing my mind? Can some of you guys confirm this?

P.S. I have good days and bad days. I don't even know what the f**k is going on with me anymore. I feel like I'm losing it, maybe should seek for pro help like consulting.

Thanks in advance and thanks once again Tyke for replying.


12-06-11, 04:04
Hi Baster

High anxiety does often make you feel like you are going crazy, but you aren't, it is just a symptom. If it is as bad as this though you should seek professional help. Things such as medication and counselling could be well worth considering to help you deal with anxiety/depression issues.


12-06-11, 05:37
Well it's understandable really you in love which makes you feel happy, but your also highly aware of the fact that this girl may reject you , which naturally makes you feel depressed :(
the thing with women is that they do flirt, sometimes to make them selves feel good, to know that they are still attractive.

when a woman likes you, she will talk to you more, give you more attention than others in the group, she will sit beside you, walk near you etc..
she will touch you , or maybe lean on you, men do this too lol :)
She might ask you opinions on stuff or get you to explain things to her.
you might catch her looking at you more than usual or even staring at you.

12-06-11, 15:06
Well it's understandable really you in love which makes you feel happy, but your also highly aware of the fact that this girl may reject you , which naturally makes you feel depressed :(
the thing with women is that they do flirt, sometimes to make them selves feel good, to know that they are still attractive.

when a woman likes you, she will talk to you more, give you more attention than others in the group, she will sit beside you, walk near you etc..
she will touch you , or maybe lean on you, men do this too lol :)
She might ask you opinions on stuff or get you to explain things to her.
you might catch her looking at you more than usual or even staring at you.

Well I can't tell really if she's paying more attention to me or not. Will try and work this out somehow. I'm little bit better today, I was out last night with some friends and that bothering feeling was gone the hole night, now I got it a little bit but I'm much better than yesterday. Thanks for your reply guys it's been really helpful.