View Full Version : My cure for over coming health anxiety.

11-06-11, 17:18
Okay so I first started my panic attack health anxiety in grade 6 as our teacher was talking about the terryfox run how a man had cancer in his leg and they removed it with a robot leg and ran acrosss canada to raise money for cancer reserch but died in his 20's, and that's when it hit me a cold flash and vision got bright and I went into panic.

This went on for months and months seeing the doctor over and over again and he said my tests were fine but I didn't believe him and then he told my mom to take me to a talking doctor and he asked questions and I awnsered them and then thought it was pointless and a waste of time and guess what? my anxiety left me for 5 years all because I thought it was a waste of time and dumb aha.

Then I started into another episode now around 6 months ago and getting better I am now in grade 11, 17 years old and booked my apointments to check ups for dentist, eye, and physical exams ect..to be safe..but I relised I am curing myself for weeks without attacks or symptoms by weight lifting, yup you heard me :P

I was so into bodybuilding and stopped cold turkey after my attacks feeling down..and then I thought I really wan't to get my body up and nice so I pciked up the weights again and since I workout intense to build my muscle I USE my STRESS as energy to get thoughs last reps in that feel impossible to do. And I've studied on the resistance training and it actually releases a calming chemical in the brain to sooth your thoughts and get your mind off the health anxiety and to force your weight up.

Hope this helps some or all of you PLEASE tell me how it worked for you, I will find other anxiety relievers on various exercises maybe we're actually mentally lazy and nothing to think about but the health problems.


12-06-11, 18:10
I've been doing this since I was about 17/18, ever since I realized the anxiety reducing effect exercise had on me! It also has a confidence enhancing effect, as you are becoming stronger physically and improving your body shape.

I have also moved into boxing and Muay Thai alongside the weights. This increases my confidence even further, but you have to watch the diet as things like boxing can take weight off you fast!!

I have irrational fear of people so the self-defence aspect of training works for my mind. If you also feel you have a fear of people then I recommend some kind of self-defense training with the weights.