View Full Version : hey

11-06-11, 19:32
Hey everyone ive just got back on prozac for my anxiety/ocd and was wonering if anyone new what effect alchohol will have when taking prozac im not a big drinker but i do go out at the weekend and have alot in a night out was just wondering if i will still be able to drink as much on a night out or if it will be harmful i dont want to end up collapsing in a nightclub

11-06-11, 19:34
Hi dangeo

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

11-06-11, 19:36
Hey thankyou very much this site has alot of very helpful stuff

11-06-11, 20:00
Hi and welcome Dangeo

I'm sure a couple of drinks won't harm you but it's best to err on the side of caution till you know exactly what effect(s) it has on you before you go pushing the boat out. I'm sure you wouldn't suddenly "collapse" but you may find you're a lot more sensitive to its inebriating effects.

Hope you find NMP useful and enjoy your stay.

11-06-11, 20:03
hey thanks for the reply i suppose i will just have to take it easy until i know how i handle it but thanks for the advice