View Full Version : Bad viral infection

11-06-11, 20:11
Anyone else had a lingering viral infection recently? Been feeling ill now for nearly a week and can't seem to shift this thing, just all the usual cold symptoms and serious congestion!!

Hoping I'm not the only one. The whole leukemia and weakened immune system debate is rearing it's voice in my head and I don't want to go down the route of worrying about that :wacko:
Can't remember the last time it took so long to shift something!

11-06-11, 21:29
I know its different but my youngest child has been suffering the last month with repeated colds or its the same cold that just wont go away, lukeamia is in the family and my father died from it but due to my own fears i try not to panic. so many things are going round at the moment your probably catching one thing after another, hope you feel better soon and if you of course are very worried speak to your gp