View Full Version : Chest/Arm pains after a v.stressful week.. worried!

11-06-11, 21:43
Hi everyone :)
Wanted peoples opinions/experiences in the hope of calming my nerves,lol.
Its been a really tough week, I found out my boyfriend was sleeping with 2 other girls behind my back, my nanna is slowly dying and having repeated strokes, and I lost my job this morning :( for the past few days I've had awful chest pains, really bad and felt like I'd been hit by a truck. Now today I've still got the same but I have pains running down my arms too.
I'm only 27, and I've had chest pains and palpitations quite alot this year and everytime A&E have ran an ecg all was fine, I was even referred to a cardiologist for a stress test but he refused to do any checks on me when I arrived for my appointment because of my age - he said Im too young to have heart problems - and just had a quick listen to my heartbeat then sent me home. And my docs have put me on propranolol for the palpitations n worry.
Now I've suffered with anxiety for many years now, and I've also developed health anxiety since my daughter was born 2years ago (im a single parent so I've now become petrified of dying as my daughter would be left on her own as we have no other close family) so seen as tho all the ecgs have come back fine I know I'm probabley worrying madly about these chest pains un-necesarily and no doubt making them worse by worrying,lol. But these pains in my arms are freaking me out abit. I do lead a massively stressful life, am always stressed about something, can anyone suggest any ways they've found helpful to calm down and learn to relax?

12-06-11, 09:13
Hi - Just a quick reply as little one waiting for brekkie. Yes what you describe is a symptom of high anxiety. I had a dead arm and heavy feeling in my chest for over two years when i was suffering from PTSS - my arm was so bad that I would carry it aroound with my other arm. When I finally realised that after two years I wasn't dying it got better athough when I am under serious stress I can feel it going again... right porridge calling xx