View Full Version : Oral Thrush?

12-06-11, 06:40

Before I start off, I would like to say that the only place where I have a "white coating" is on my tongue. It is not on my gums, cheeks, lips, under my tongue and so on. I am wondering if I should go see a doctor to see if it is oral thrush? When I brush my tongue hard with a tongue brusher, it comes off but my tongue often bleeds but not heavily, it just becomes sore because of the heavy brushing. Is this anything to worry about? And I would also like to mention that I have tonsil stones, which is small bacteria "balls" that form in the back of my mouth due to holes in my tonsils. Could the tonsil stones have an effect on how much bacteria is on my tongue? And I do not have a STD I am 100% on that.

Thank you!