View Full Version : Skin sensations - will I ever be happy again

12-06-11, 08:01
I apologise if this is repeating previous posts but I'm at my wits end with all of this and I don't know what to do anymore.

I've been having various skin sensations for the past 8 months, everyday I have constant waves of goosebumps, they don't hurt or anything it is just very uncomfortable after a while and very hard to ignore. I have spoken to doctors about it and they seem unconcerned and put it down to anxiety.

I have been going to the gym for the last two months as I didn't want to take anti depressants that the dr gave me and I thought this would help, and it was but now I keep feeling like I can feel wet droplets all over my body. It is only a fleeting sensation, almost like someone hasn't dried their hands properly and by shaking them droplets have fallen on my skin. My husband says it is normal and it's my body reacting to all the exercise but it freaks me out! I'm constantly worried I have a neurological disorder. I feel like I have no choice but to live with these sensations as inside myself I think I believe that they are due to anxiety but day to day it feels like such a battle and I don't look forward to or enjoy doing anything. I don't want to keep going to the dr as it has been my experience that they don't want to help and I don't want to take anti depressants which is all they keep offering.

I guess I just want to know if anyone else has had these sensations or feel like this. Thank you for taking the time to read this post, hopefully one day life will be enjoyable again.

12-06-11, 08:47

I have had loads of weird sensations over the years due to anxiety, the problems i had with my mouth being the worst one, i slowly learned that when i accepted them as anxiety symptoms, they left me.

As hard as it is, do try and accept them, i found the more i focused on them the worse they seemed, your doc has said they are symptoms of anx, don't do what i did and focus on them, it makes your life a misery.

Anxiety can give us the most weird sensations, and a big well done to you for going the gym, i had loads of strange symptoms when i first went back to the gym.

I hope these sensations disappear real soon for you.

di xx

12-06-11, 09:18
Thank you very much for your reply. I seem to have such a problem with any changes in sensation, I seem to think people go through life on this even keel unless something is desperately wrong. I was getting a lot better a couple of years ago and felt I was beginning to accept how I felt and was enjoying life but things just seem to have gone wrong so fast. I so don't want to feel like this anymore, I really want to enjoy life and take things as they come without worrying how it makes me feel. I would also really like a day without the constant goosebumps, it's all so soul destroying after a while.

14-06-11, 17:57
I just thought I would update this in case it helps anyone else. I went to the dr today as I couldn't stand the pin prick sensation any longer and he was quite emphatic that it was where I had been exercising. He took my blood pressure, weighed me etc and has referred me to a counsellor which hopefully should help. As always though I did expect the sensation to abate the moment I left his office and because it hasn't I'm now worrying again but I haves answer or itso I'm going to try and tell myself that! Maybe I will be happy again :yesyes:

14-06-11, 18:33
St. Johns Wort tea can cause strange skin sensations, i stopped drinking it because I got a skin crawling feeling. Just a suggestion if you were on that. You'll be okay thouh, good luck :]

14-06-11, 21:35
No I haven't been using it but I will bear it in mind thank you. I hate having sensations on my skin, does anyone ever feel like rain hits their face but it's not even raining?

15-06-11, 09:45
Hi there

I have had that sensation before. It feels like bits of water are hitting you. I have noticed it when very hot (in a night club) and on other occasions. I remember looking around to see if it was coming from somewhere else!

S x