View Full Version : what is going on?!

12-06-11, 10:39
for the past couple of weeks I've been really struggling with physical symptoms and I'm having a hard time believing that it's just health anxiety. I've been having pressure in my head and strange feelings in my head and face as well as feeling like my head is burning up almost all the time (my temp is 36.3 though). I keep getting a feeling of pressure in my ears and my left ear keeps going funny, like I've suddenly gone deaf and I'll get a ringing noise for about 10-15 seconds and then it'll pass. My arms feels numb and heavy and I keep getting this strange feeling that I'm suddenly going numb and am about to droop to the floor or something. I can suddenly feel really weak and tired. It
all started a few weeks ago when I had a stomach bug and was lay in bed one night and felt a pop in the top of my head. Since then I've just been having all these horrible symptoms and so my anxiety has been sky high! I saw the doctor about the strange feelings in my head and face and the pressure in my head and he said he thinks it might just be a tension headache.

I'm really scared and dont know what to do. I keep thinking that I'm
about to have a stroke or something! I NEED to sort this out and get back to normal! I'm scared all the time!

Does anyone else get these symptoms or know what might be causing them?

Punk x

12-06-11, 11:42
I think you need to go make a sugary cup of tea or eat sumthing sweet, u mite just have a sugar rush, i have this its horrible, i feel like this all the time, its just anxiety hun, if ur still worried may be ring a doctor or ring nhs direct and see wot they say, they really helped me wen i had a panic attack and felt really ill, ok chick xx

12-06-11, 12:46
I felt like this a few weeks ago when my health anxiety was at its worst, so I honestly do think it's the anxiety. I went deaf in one ear for 4 days, I kept getting shooting pains down from my ear right down my neck and I felt dizzy and hot with a heavy pulsing pain in my head. So many symptoms can be caused by anxiety. When you're feeling like this, don't take on any mentally difficult tasks because it's hard to concentrate and then it makes anxiety worse. Just try relax with a cup of coffee and a magazine or something, or maybe see some friends. When I get symptoms that are caused by anxiety they disappear when my mind is occupied, and return when I'm bored and alone. I hope you're feeling better soon. :) xxx

12-06-11, 15:04
Thanks for the replies! I keep trying to tell myself that it's just anxiety but I just can't seem to believe it. I feel like I'm losing control of my body. My arms feel really heavy and weak and moving them feels strange. I just don't feel right at all. Even when I'm occupied doing something I still feel this way!

I'd been doing really well with trying to overcome this health anxiety and had started getting out and about a bit more and pushing myself to do things. Now I feel like I've taken a massive step back. Just trying to type this is making my arms ache and it feels like a real effort. I thought about ringing NHS direct but they've been of no help in the past. I'm so frightened of it being something serious! I just want to be normal again! :weep:

15-06-11, 19:48
I'm still struggling... my right arm and leg feel strange and I feel like my right side is going numb or something! does anyone know what might be causing this? x

15-06-11, 20:19
Hi, I can relate to the feeling in your head, as though its like a weird pressure.
I posted a thread about it last week as its been worrying me for ages now and I'm scared my head will explode or something! I also find it hard to believe it's anxiety.

About a year ago I also had numbness in my right arm and went to the doctor about it, she couldnt find anything wrong at all and said its just one of those things. It went away after a few weeks.

I've had so many random, bizarre symptoms that worry me like crazy at the time and then just disappear as quickly as they arrived. I think that the human body is so complex that sometimes we just feel things for no apparent reason -(well there prob is a reason which is quite scientific but its nothing harmful).

Is the feeling in your head painful or just weird?

15-06-11, 21:15
Hi I have had HA for over 2 years now... and I stil get all the symptoms you have spoke about... I have been to the drs numerous times and seen different drs all ov which say its anxiety.. I have had these symptoms from about 1 month after the dr told me I was suffering with GAD,, at first I just simply thought I had an illness that was goin to kill me but I couldn't pinpoint wat the illness was abd i thought I was dying all the time ot the point i wouldn't go to sleep at night.. Iv been sure iv got so many different horrible illnesses and worried myself sick about them... I often think how can anxiety cause these horrible symptoms but surely 2 years on I wouldn'y stil be here if I had something bad... and yet i get these symptoms on a regular basis even when im not worryin or feelin anxious.. hope iv helped:) x

15-06-11, 21:25
Hi, I can relate to the feeling in your head, as though its like a weird pressure.
I posted a thread about it last week as its been worrying me for ages now and I'm scared my head will explode or something! I also find it hard to believe it's anxiety.

About a year ago I also had numbness in my right arm and went to the doctor about it, she couldnt find anything wrong at all and said its just one of those things. It went away after a few weeks.

I've had so many random, bizarre symptoms that worry me like crazy at the time and then just disappear as quickly as they arrived. I think that the human body is so complex that sometimes we just feel things for no apparent reason -(well there prob is a reason which is quite scientific but its nothing harmful).

Is the feeling in your head painful or just weird?

the feeling in my head is just weird, not painful.

I'm really freaking out right now about my right side feeling like it's going numb! it feels like it's getting worse! I'm really scared!

15-06-11, 22:06
Hey there,

I thought I'd try and offer some reassurance in the fact that I have suffered with very similar symptomatic sensations, especially so over the last couple if years when my anxiety heightened.
I suffered with a very pressurised feeling in my face, especially so in my forehead, eyes and top of my nose. If it's similar I'd explain it as more of a heavy pressurised/numb feeling rather than any real pain. Just very uncomfortable as I was constantly aware of it. I have noticed I have had recent sensations of numbness too, which seems to be on my left side, v unnerving I agree.
The ear noise you mention is this like tinnitus? I have had this on random occasions where I will suddenly hear a ringing in just one ear.. It passes 10secs or so after but is unsettling.
Have you had an eye test? I found this reassuring as they can now perform checks which provide markers for high blood pressure, clots, tumours. You may find having a check at the opticians useful.

As it goes I have also experienced the heavy and numb arm sensations. Something I freaked over at the time as I had trouble even lifting my arms due to the heaviness and achiness.

I can't offer a cure but wanted you to know that I have experienced very like for like symptoms which have since passed, I guess as my attention eventually focused on a different feeling!

I have been diagnosed with anxiety and have had to put these feelings down to that after being checked.

I think the hardest thing I find is finally accepting sensations as anxiety related only to then have something completely new which I then fight to be convinced is anxiety when's it completely different to something previous.

It happens tho and I have experienced your symptoms. Between us all we must have them all covered!

Sorry for waffling and hope you can take a little reassurance if nothing else from this msg x

15-06-11, 22:43
I'm really freaking out right now about my right side feeling like it's going numb! it feels like it's getting worse! I'm really scared!

Try and rest tonight, get some good sleep then in the morning go to the doctors. Tell them you are very anxious and scared so they don't bombard you with information that freaks you out.

Try to keep telling yourself that the chances are it's probably nothing serious...most things aren't.

Sorry you are going through this, I know how horrible it is to be terrified about your health :bighug1:

15-06-11, 22:57
Hey there,

I thought I'd try and offer some reassurance in the fact that I have suffered with very similar symptomatic sensations, especially so over the last couple if years when my anxiety heightened.
I suffered with a very pressurised feeling in my face, especially so in my forehead, eyes and top of my nose. If it's similar I'd explain it as more of a heavy pressurised/numb feeling rather than any real pain. Just very uncomfortable as I was constantly aware of it. I have noticed I have had recent sensations of numbness too, which seems to be on my left side, v unnerving I agree.
The ear noise you mention is this like tinnitus? I have had this on random occasions where I will suddenly hear a ringing in just one ear.. It passes 10secs or so after but is unsettling.
Have you had an eye test? I found this reassuring as they can now perform checks which provide markers for high blood pressure, clots, tumours. You may find having a check at the opticians useful.

As it goes I have also experienced the heavy and numb arm sensations. Something I freaked over at the time as I had trouble even lifting my arms due to the heaviness and achiness.

I can't offer a cure but wanted you to know that I have experienced very like for like symptoms which have since passed, I guess as my attention eventually focused on a different feeling!

I have been diagnosed with anxiety and have had to put these feelings down to that after being checked.

I think the hardest thing I find is finally accepting sensations as anxiety related only to then have something completely new which I then fight to be convinced is anxiety when's it completely different to something previous.

It happens tho and I have experienced your symptoms. Between us all we must have them all covered!

Sorry for waffling and hope you can take a little reassurance if nothing else from this msg x

thank you so much for your reply.

I'm trying so hard not to worry but everytime it intensifies at all my head goes crazy and I panic!

I do think the ringing in my ear is like tinnitus and I don't really panic about that as much anymore, it's more of an annoyance now.

I haven't had an eye test recently but I am due for one.

It's this numb feeling that is scaring me so much at the moment. I know they are not actually numb as I can still move them but when I lift my arm or move it, it feels really strange and heavy and feels like someone is pushing my arm back down. And when I walk I feel like I'm leaning to the right and feel really off balance.

I keep thinking that I'm going to have a stroke! I'm so frightened! I keep telling myself "it's just anxiety" but like you said, it is hard to actually believe it! :(

15-06-11, 23:04
I'm really freaking out right now about my right side feeling like it's going numb! it feels like it's getting worse! I'm really scared!

Try and rest tonight, get some good sleep then in the morning go to the doctors. Tell them you are very anxious and scared so they don't bombard you with information that freaks you out.

Try to keep telling yourself that the chances are it's probably nothing serious...most things aren't.

Sorry you are going through this, I know how horrible it is to be terrified about your health :bighug1:

Thanks crystal17! I feel like a complete mess at the moment! I'd been doing quite well recently until this all come on. I had an early night last night and had a good sleep but woke up feeling awful this morning so I'm worrying about how I'll feel tomorrow morning!

It's awful feeling this bad! People who have never had anxiety like this keep telling me to "just relax" but I feel like I'm on the edge all the time and can't stop my thoughts from going into overdrive!

I think I have such a hard time believing that it's only anxiety because I still think that there HAS to be something more serious wrong with me for me to feel this bad all day, every day! I just don't see it ever coming to an end.

I'm trying my best to distract myself at the moment but it's hard when everytime I move my right arm it feels weird!

Oh how I wish I had a magic wand :(

16-06-11, 12:42
Hey there, how are you feeling today?

I totally relate to your worries and the constant fixation, as its so hard not to worry when the pain continues or intensifies.

I also know how hard it can be to try and rationalise these thoughts when in the midst of it all.

I'll try to help and offer a more rational approach...

It's likely that you are constantly worrying all hours, both consciously and sub consciously so your muscles are most likely tensed unaware. When we constantly tense other muscles, clench our teeth etc our bodies have to work hard to pump blood to these areas. In doing this, we have reduced blood flow to other areas. This can then cause a heavy/achy feeling and in this case also numb sensation as the blood is reduced to your arms. It's guess its a similar feeling to when we exercise hard.

I get the Spaced out, disorientated feeling a lot in my head recently. I know this is cos if I really think about it, I have so tense my breathing is constantly shallow, even tho I'm not aware I'm doing it. When I then get up to do something and my blood has to start pumping around my body again it leaves me feeling all off balance and disorientated. Basically because I'm not getting enough oxygen.

It sounds like you prob getting v similar sensations and I bet it's because you are so tense and subconsiously breathing bad.

The reduced blood flow really can leave you feeling like this in your arms. Also are you drinking enough? Dehydration can also cause these feelings too.

I started to write down all my symptoms for each day, and then a rational thought. I'm surprised how even 3 days in I feel even just a little more relaxed. I guess writing down and rationalising it on paper helps us to digest rather than flit between endless thoughts in our head. Try it if you get a chance..

Oh and one last thing... My arms ache now just from writing this on my phone! Without realising it I have had my shoulders tensed the whole time and now my arms ache. Reduced blood flow!! I'm sure of it.

The best is yet to come. BELIEVE :)

16-06-11, 12:45
Sorry for the very long response above!

16-06-11, 21:07
Hope you feel a bit better today, I know what you mean about feeling on edge and like you cant relax...its a horrible tense feeling and it seems out of your hands.

Try not to worry about the numbness, I know thats difficult though.

I agree with Jemski above, I think you are unconsiously tensing your muscles and reducing blood flow to other areas...remember our bodies can do very weird things when we are stressed and anxious.

16-06-11, 22:29
dont have coffee as it will make your anxiety worse! I had to lay off coffee for two years before i started feeling like i could handle a cuppa without getting anxious and sick