View Full Version : Traffic Hold-ups

22-04-06, 19:44
The last few weeks I have been going way out of my 'comfort zone' in the car with my husband. He has just had a week off of work and we have been out every day somewhere different. Got back home safe and sound no problem. Great I hear you say !! So why is it nearly every time we go down the bye-pass or motorway. There has been a holdup for something or other? My husband says someone up there is testing you, and they know you can do it. We finished up having to laugh about it. At least I got a new pair of jeans and a handbag out of it. So I suppose it was well worth it !!

Jenny xx

22-04-06, 21:44
Ohhhh Jenny i know just what you mean!

I Hate road holdups and traffic lights, im sure they do it on purpose..lol....i have got that bad with traffic lights i have been off work now for a month, the office that i worked for as moved a few miles down the road and theres 5 sets of traffic lights i have to go through before i get there, i havent managed to get there yet but i am working on it, it sounds so silly dosnt it, i am sure people think i must be mad not been able to get to work because of traffic lights!

Im going to have to complain to the highways department!...lol

Joking apart Jenny, Well done for managing to cope with the roadworks and getting out everyday thats great news!

Love Andrea

23-04-06, 19:28

Did you know the ministry of transport has a little man stationed in each town, his job is to go round the town and decide where putting road works will cause the most inconvievce and trouble. You are running foul of the little man

well done for getting out of your comfort zone and enjoying it


23-04-06, 19:52

I am actively seeking out roadworks and traffic jams and contra-flows for my CBT therapy and do you know what? When you want one you just can't find them - how does that work eh LOL


24-04-06, 10:18
Hi Jenny

Well done for getting through the traffic hold up.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

24-04-06, 11:53
Come to Derbyshire A38 bye-pass you will find lots !!!!

Jenny xxx