View Full Version : Hi there

12-06-11, 14:22
Hi everyone, Im new here and so glad I have found this site. Been struggling on and off for most of my adult life with anxiety/depression. Have been trying to cope without medication since Christmas, although I am taking St Johns Wort. Thought it was helping at first, but I seem to be slipping back into the abyss again. I really don,t want to start taking medication again if I can help it, as I had such a bad time coming off the last lot. Im going to join a gym next week and see if exercise does any good. If not I guess it will be back to the docs. I suffer mainly social phobia and have a tendency to completely withdraw fom society, and not want to interact with anyone. At the same time though, Im desperately lonely, so it feels like a permanent conflict going on in my brain! Arrrrgh!!!

12-06-11, 14:23
Hi shygirl2

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes