View Full Version : Tiny pin prick red dots on arms - anyone else?!

12-06-11, 17:09
Hey, I've noticed today I've got about 6-7 tiny red pin prick dots on my arm. And a few more on my other arm. Some of them are really really small, like the size of a needle pin prick. I'm a tad worried about them. I'm extremely pale and things. And my sister has them too. But I was on this forum earlier and I read they can be linked to cancer and stuff :/ so I'm pretty close to panicking.

The more I look the more I can see and the more I worry. Anyone else got these things?

12-06-11, 17:13
I have loads of these and mine are called cherry angionomas and are totally completely harmless. They are most common on the arms and upper trunk - mine are on upper arms and chest area mostly but have some on lower arms. They can be as small as a pin prick or I have one on my chest that is raised and about 5 mm accross perfectly circular. I have even had one of the raised ones drop off!

You may be thinking you have petechia but having seen this on my mother it looks quite different as the marks are def under the skin and are dark red or purplish and more rash like than individual spots.

The cherry angionomas increase as you age sorry to say,I had odd one in my 20's but now 50 they appear like weeds:)

12-06-11, 17:22
I've got these too. My arms are covered with them. I showed them to my Doctor and she said it's just Capillaritis. She said sometimes cappilaries become inflamed and a little blocked causing these tiny red dots to appear. I did more research into it and things like petechiae and purpura are a form of Capillaritis which does worry me a little, but as long as 1000s of these aren't growing on you at a quick rate and forming a rash I think you'll be fine. If you have no other symptoms it's extremely unlikely that it's something serious. Most people have these red dots. :)

12-06-11, 18:18
I have them too! xx

12-06-11, 23:06
I have them on both arms too quite a few x

13-06-11, 10:31
hey, I had a massive worry about these once, glad to hear im not the only one! Because i looked up on the internet and scared myself but I told my doctor and he said literally looked at the and said "yeah they're normal" so im putting them down to anxiety and kicking them out of my mind

04-12-12, 13:20
I know this thread started a while ago but I have been going out of my mind with worry over these tiny red spots and marks on my arms now for the last 3 weeks. My doc did blood tests and all were normal and she didn't seem bothered after that. I am taking medicine for my anxiety so I know i tend to over think things a lot but they appeared so quickly and have not gone in 3 weeks. When I look I am sure I notice new ones but cant be sure. They are mostly on my arms and chest. I have seen images of things on in internet and they look nothing like what I have. These are not raised, very small and although lots of them they are scattered. I have done loads of looking on sites over the last 3 weeks and it seems like no one has the same answer but lots of people have the same problem. Anyone on here that posted ages ago I would be really gateful to hear how you and yours are now pls -thanks

04-12-12, 21:54
I've had these on my arms and legs since I was about 12 years old, and at the time I was terrified because I had no idea what they were. They just suddenly appeared, and as the weeks went by I gradually developed more and more of them. Mine aren't raised either - they're very small like pinpricks and they're scattered on my skin. After a few months I stopped getting so many new red spots. I'm now 28 and they're still there - I don't think they ever disappear once you've got them. However, I can confidently say they haven't caused me any harm, even though I found it very scary when I was 12 years old. I remember being terrified for most of the summer in 1996, and I was too scared to talk to anyone about it as I thought they wouldn't understand or that they'd think I was being silly.:weep:

09-12-12, 13:04
It just seems so strange that they appeared from no where. I know I should be reassured that my blood tests were fine and that I am not alone as lots of ppl have posted this sort of thing on forums but it is still there niggling at my brain and every morning the first thing I do is go over both arms checking them out. I am obsessive with it now. Its been about 4 weeks since I noticed them and they are showing no signs of leaving so I guess I have to deal with it. :weep:

09-12-12, 13:37
Don't worry, mine seemed to appear from nowhere too. I don't think they ever disappear, so it's important to learn to accept them. They are so small that no-one else has ever noticed them on me, unless I've spoken to them about it.

10-12-12, 14:07
Do you have what seems like hundreds? I swear there are hundreds on my arms and chest. I know I shouldn't of but I just tried to pick one on my arm. Sorry for going on but it just so strange. I am gonna see doc again tom and I might ask if I can be referred to a dermatologist as I just want some sort of explanation so my crazy anxious mind can stop bothering me :weep:

10-12-12, 18:03
I have noticed these, in my arm creases on the underside if where my elbow is if that makes sense?!

10-12-12, 19:29
Do you have what seems like hundreds? I swear there are hundreds on my arms and chest. I know I shouldn't of but I just tried to pick one on my arm. Sorry for going on but it just so strange. I am gonna see doc again tom and I might ask if I can be referred to a dermatologist as I just want some sort of explanation so my crazy anxious mind can stop bothering me :weep:

Yes, I think I probably do have hundreds. When I first started getting them, I tried to count them but after a few months there was no point counting them any more as there was just too many! I also tried picking them to see if they would go away, but that didn't help. I noticed they fade for a few seconds if you apply pressure to them, but then they come back again.

10-12-12, 19:40
I have them to I went to the doctors and she said it a rash perfectly harmless

11-12-12, 21:33
Yeah I saw the doc today and she reassured me again that they are fine, she told me not to pick them again tho. She even showed me some on her and told me they can be something we get as we get older, I am 30 so guess I will be completely covered by time I am 60! I also grabbed my sisters arm today when I saw her to have a look and she has them as well. Feeling a lot better about this today :)

11-12-12, 22:01
I'm glad you're feeling better about this today. :) I first started getting them when I was 12, which is very early to be getting something like this. I used to worry that when I was older my skin would become completely red because I'd have so many of these spots that they'd all merge into one! :roflmao: Thankfully that's never happened, and I can hardly notice them unless I look closely at my skin.

28-08-13, 16:37
Same here do my head in but harmless not worth the panic