View Full Version : Family Understanding

12-06-11, 17:44
Hi all,

Just wondered how many people have trouble with family not understanding anxiety?

I have been doing quite well with my panic/anxiety/HA the last couple of weeks but this weekend i feel a bit like i am back to square one. Had a little blip on friday which i posted about and got the reassurance i needed from the forum - thank you everyone at NMP!!! dont know where i would be without the forum at the moment.

Anyway - called my mum & dad for reassurance after fridays blip and they just got really annoyed with me, same again when i called them yesterday. They just kept saying things like 'you need to pack this worrying in' or 'there is nothing wrong with you your tests have all come back clear' or 'well i dont know what to say to you anymore, your fine and just worrying for nothing' and 'you never used to be like this' All these things i know! Its not like i want to keep feeling anxious - it creeps up on me, mine always kicks off with physical symptoms when i least expect it. Just wish i could make them understand - i would love to be the old me before this happend and hopefully in time i will get there....

Sorry i just needed to vent a bit! xx

12-06-11, 18:23
You are not alone hun, im 25 and still badger my parents with my health anxiety and panic problems, they tell me "oh theres nothing wrong with u, get on, do sumthing to take ur mind off things" its not as easy as that is it??? Hopefully we will get there, i am exactly like u, i want to be bak to my old self, the old self that didnt think i was going to die all the time, or think i had sumthing wrong with me all the time! Nice to vent out lol xx

12-06-11, 18:46
You are not alone hun, im 25 and still badger my parents with my health anxiety and panic problems, they tell me "oh theres nothing wrong with u, get on, do sumthing to take ur mind off things" its not as easy as that is it??? Hopefully we will get there, i am exactly like u, i want to be bak to my old self, the old self that didnt think i was going to die all the time, or think i had sumthing wrong with me all the time! Nice to vent out lol xx

Thanks for the reply! Its so frustrating sometimes!! lol :flowers:

When they say to just forget about the health scare and subsequent anxiety i feel like shouting - if only it were that simple!! you wouldnt expect a broken bone to be fixed the next day so why would anxiety heal any quicker just because it cant be 'seen'

We WILL get there eventually, i just wish people would realise it takes time xxx:hugs:

13-06-11, 10:43
I get this too and i'm 41 !!! xxx

13-06-11, 12:26
I get this too and i'm 41 !!! xxx

I am so glad I am not the only one, i just recently turned 30 and have been ringing my family more in the last few months than i have the last 6 years since they moved away. Some days its like they totally understand and others it's like what i mentioned above! Its so frustrating!!!!


13-06-11, 12:38
I previously suffered from depression brought on by stress, recently I started to feel weird and thought it was the depression coming back, but GP said I was suffering from Anxiety. I have been going through a tough time, and had support from family and friends, but I have stopped talking to them now as I do not want them to start to avoid me. As much as someone give advice, I do not think they realise that it is hard to put that advise into practice straight away. My main problem seems to stem from a toxic friendship, and getting my husband to understand is really hard. We were in pub yesterday, and said friend came in, and stood with us, when we left hubbie said now see that was not so bad! BUT for me it was that bad! I do not know if he will ever really understand. Are you getting any sort of councelling? This way you can get it all off your chest, another source of help is a 24 hour telephone helpline - Breathing Space. Good luck :hugs:

13-06-11, 13:02
im exactly the same as you, i call my mum almost every day for reassurance, but i know that my anxiety is getting to her too. Sometimes she will just say to me ''if your that worried and you really feel ill go to the doctors'' but when she says that i freak out even more thinking that there really msut be something wrong!!
I cant win, if someone tells me im ok i dont believe them and if they tell me to go to the docs i freak out even more!! its a Vicious circle!

13-06-11, 13:39
I previously suffered from depression brought on by stress, recently I started to feel weird and thought it was the depression coming back, but GP said I was suffering from Anxiety. I have been going through a tough time, and had support from family and friends, but I have stopped talking to them now as I do not want them to start to avoid me. As much as someone give advice, I do not think they realise that it is hard to put that advise into practice straight away. My main problem seems to stem from a toxic friendship, and getting my husband to understand is really hard. We were in pub yesterday, and said friend came in, and stood with us, when we left hubbie said now see that was not so bad! BUT for me it was that bad! I do not know if he will ever really understand. Are you getting any sort of councelling? This way you can get it all off your chest, another source of help is a 24 hour telephone helpline - Breathing Space. Good luck :hugs:

Hi swallowtail, I am currently seeing a counsellor for CBT and also one of my closest friends has been though something similar (and she's also a trained counsellor!) so talking to her really helps too, just wish my family could understand the same way xxx :hugs:

im exactly the same as you, i call my mum almost every day for reassurance, but i know that my anxiety is getting to her too. Sometimes she will just say to me ''if your that worried and you really feel ill go to the doctors'' but when she says that i freak out even more thinking that there really msut be something wrong!!
I cant win, if someone tells me im ok i dont believe them and if they tell me to go to the docs i freak out even more!! its a Vicious circle!

anixietyoverload - we could be twins! lol :flowers: xx

Im feeling alot calmer today - went to the doctors this morning and he says i have an ear infection so at least that explains my dizziness over the weekend - now i just need to learn to not overact when illnesses occur - fingers crossed we will all get there eventually!! xx

13-06-11, 13:48
I totally get what you mean. Unfortunately the one person who could usually make me feel instantly resassured was my mum, and she passed away in October :( :(. Which triggered my HA. So I don't really have many people to turn to about it. I try not to seek reassurance, as all the HA books i've read says not to, it's just an 'instant fix', but it's impossible not to some days. My boyfriend pretty much gets the brunt of me going into panics, he's supportive, but he doesn't understand how real the terror can actually feel. I guess if your not going through it it's really hard to understand. It's such a battle, and I so wish I could go back to feeling like my old self.

I guess eliminating self checking is the first step.

Anyway, good luck to you all, we'll get through this :]

13-06-11, 13:48
I have problems all the time with my eyes, to the point where if i lay down too fast or turn my head, i get so uinbalanced and dizzy it wakes me up in my sleep!! i know how you feel!! x

13-06-11, 13:59
I totally get what you mean. Unfortunately the one person who could usually make me feel instantly resassured was my mum, and she passed away in October :( :(. Which triggered my HA. So I don't really have many people to turn to about it. I try not to seek reassurance, as all the HA books i've read says not to, it's just an 'instant fix', but it's impossible not to some days. My boyfriend pretty much gets the brunt of me going into panics, he's supportive, but he doesn't understand how real the terror can actually feel. I guess if your not going through it it's really hard to understand. It's such a battle, and I so wish I could go back to feeling like my old self.

I guess eliminating self checking is the first step.

Anyway, good luck to you all, we'll get through this :]

Aww ElectricAlice so sorry about your mum! :hugs:

I have problems all the time with my eyes, to the point where if i lay down too fast or turn my head, i get so uinbalanced and dizzy it wakes me up in my sleep!! i know how you feel!! x

anxietyoverload - for me any kind of dizzyness is the worst part!! I've gotten to the point where i can cope with most of the feelings now and rationalise things - its just the dam dizziness that scares the crap outta me! xx

Hopefully in time all these symtoms will get less and less as i learn not to obsess over them xx

13-06-11, 14:07
sorrryyy, meant to put ears there not eyes!! If its your ears that are making you dizzy - i use OTEX - because your ears are your balance if they have too much wax, it can make you extremely dizzy! its my life saver! if i didnt have it i dont think id ever get a good nights sleep! x

13-06-11, 14:16
The doc has prescribed me antibiotic drops today as he thinks i have an infection
:( i've only just gotten over an ear infection at the end of april and its seems to have reappeared grrr. Hopefully this time it will go properly.

I will def try OTEX in the future tho, feel like a pain in the backside going to my dr all the time. He's seen me more in the last 4 months than he has in 10 years! He didnt even realise i was his patient when i first went to see him with palpitations (which is what started all this anxiety/PA/HA) - now he knows all my details without the comptuer lol xx