View Full Version : Weird heart feelings :( so so petrified :( :(

12-06-11, 18:33
I'm gonna try and explain this the best I can.

Basically recently my latest fear has been my heart. And I've been constantly checking my pulse and worrying about it. Being about 90 bmp sometimes.

When I'm relaxed it goes down to about 70 or something.

Recently the thing that REALLY frightens me is I keep getting palpitations, they come on really suddenly like BOOM BOOM and take my breath away. I'll usually get one a day, maybe two. But after that it feels like a total surge of adrenaline and butterflies and pressure surging in my chest. And every time I take a deep breath it feels like my heart is beating too fast and too hard and I also get random stabby pains in my chest where my heart is.

All this keeps happening every day. And it's bloody scaring the heck outta me :(

I had a ECG in March or Febuary I think it was and all was ok.

Is this just anxiety?!

Please someone help if they have been through any of this :(

12-06-11, 18:40
Hi ElectricAlice

I can identify with what you are going through. All of it!! It sounds like anxiety/panic attack to me. Its what i was told mine were. I have had about 8 ecgs since february and an echocardiogram - all fine - yet i still get the symptoms you describe (although not as bad as they were! and they are getting less and less)

The best thing to get the heart palps under control is to do the breathing with your stomach. I breath in to the count of 4 so my stomach extends and out to the count of 8 and this calms me down..... just keep repeating until it comes under control

Hope this helps and reassures you xxx

12-06-11, 18:47
Thanks that helps that it's not just me! I'm going to the doctor tomorrow to ask him.
But it's such a horrific worrying feeling. Especially the surge when I breath of adrenaline, pain and it almost feels like my heart suddenly stops and then goes BOOM to start again. Does this make any sense to you? Then it feels really tight and strange in my chest.

12-06-11, 18:52
It does make sense, its been explained to me as the vicious circle. Until you can get your breathing under control you cant break the circle to get out of it, i am getting better at this and you will too!!!

To reassure you - at one point I was so scared that i called 999 and an ambulance came - my ecg was normal - it was a panic attack - i insisted on being taken to hospital because all i could think was 'this isnt normal??!?! surely a panic attack cant cause this kind of feeling' they took me in, i had x rays, blood tests, urine tests ecgs every hour and spoke to a cardiologist - nothing at all wrong with me - it was a panic attack!

Its mad to think the effect that panic and anxiety can have on us xx

12-06-11, 18:53
Hi Alice

Have you read the palpitations website page on the left? That may help

12-06-11, 20:11
They could be ectopic heartbeats or commonly known as missed beats because it feels as if your heart stops then gives a hard thump and you get an adrenaline surge- you can also feel it as a flutter in your throat or chest?? If this sounds like you then they are horrible but harmless. Your Dr can put your mind at rest about them.