View Full Version : Hi! Newbie here

12-06-11, 19:20
Hi my name is Davina. I have been browsing this site for many weeks and have just plucked up courage to register! It has definitely helped me in my really dark moments. Have been suffering from anxiety for 8 weeks now and really getting me down . I have just been prescribed Venlafaxine (?) after try ing Citropolam. Will definitely be posting on the Health Anxiety page, as sure I am physically unwell, but not according to Doc! Have been through this before but many years ago. You all seem such lovely compassionate people, can't wait to hear from you X

12-06-11, 19:23
Hi DavinaR

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

12-06-11, 19:24
Welcome to NMP :) Have fun, don't be afraid to say how you feel. We are all one *big* anxious family. Take care! Rafaela xx.

12-06-11, 20:11
Hi RafflesGeorgiou

Thank you for your welcome. So lovely to have such a quick reply

13-06-11, 15:28
Hi Davina!

Since it is early days for your medication, I hope it brings you some relief soon and get to find yourself back to day to day life. The physical manifestations of anxiety and depression are definitely very real!

I'm new too, really helps to get some support and friendly faces.