View Full Version : Just some advice/opinions please

12-06-11, 19:46
Well as alot of you have probablys read on my posts and replys my main problem is my breathing, i try to control it and feel that i am struggling to breathe all day every day etc. But im not sure if this would combine into this aswell as in the sense of making my anxiety worse which obviusly would make my breathing worse, and i guess im just trying to get to the bottom of things.

Well today just topped everything off and i really have had enough. I dont know where to start but i am wondering if i have some kinda OCD, i know what a OCD is but i dont know what the affects of it are. I have to have dettol of everything, like dettol hand wash for the toilet and bathroom and kitchen, dettol spray and dettol wipes. I found myself gettin upset when my asda shop subsituted a dettol object for something else.
I have to have everything neatly in a straight line and i am always upset if they are not, like my deodrants and perfume, and all the shampoos on and body wash on the side of the bath, and u have to be able to see the writing etc. But i actually get upset and to the fact i cant breathe and i feel really strange if these are not right, and i had a go at my partner for not putting things back right in the fridge and the stuff back in the right freezer department.
He said i must have something wrong with me? And i find myself always putting things right, i cant relax, even the kids toys if they have any muck on them i am washing them in hot water with dettol, and if i hoover and the dog gets a clump of hair on i will hoover again and again.

I could go on forever but i just knwo i sound daft and i am so sorry its really long but i am affecting people with what i do and having ago, and when im at my mams i am putting things neatly and straight, I love things to be clean but im not like someone with an OCD who would be scrubbing and scrubbing and washing there hands constantly etc.

19-06-11, 04:09
Hi Sarah

I think, like anxiety, you can have OCD to a lesser degree. I also think there is an overlap with many of these disorders. I have general anxiety, but I do recognise some features of OCD and social anxiety in my behaviour patterns.

Do you take any medication? I am on Sertraline for anxiety related depression, but this drug is also used to treat OCD. I am actually a lot better since I started taking it.
