View Full Version : Is this Anxiety or Venlafaxine or something else

12-06-11, 19:55
Hi, Sorry this is a bit long!
Have been feeling unwell for 10weeks. Went to Docs about 2 weeks agowho did blood tests(FBC and test to see if i was menopausal as had a period that lasted 3 wks) and stool test, All came back ok. Doc did anxiety test, and it came out quite high. (Main worry, was Hubby who was called back to hospital for urgent appointment) Hence, here I am suffering from anxiety!
Doc put me on Citalopram, for 6 wks which didn't seem to do any good. First few nights couldn't sleep and then panic attacks - but would I have been like this anyway without the meds? Have managed to go to work (only work part-time) but sometimes just can't concentrate and feel so unwell, suppose because i am trying to act 'normal'!
Have lost loads of weight (mind you I was 13 stone!). Think i have lost about 1 1/2 stone - just not hungry and have to force myself to eat.Plus have been doing a lot more exercise. But still think I have lost too much too quickly. Get so upset when people say I look great - have wanted to be slim for so long but would rather weigh more that feel like this.
Last 10 days have been on Venlafaxine (1 x37.5 mg for 7 days and then 2 per day since then) The thing is I think i feel worse. My legs feel weak and heavy, and tingle when I am sitting down (not allthe time though ; my head sometimes feel as though i can't concentrate and feel as though I am in a dream or 'fuzzy'.
I just don't want to socialise anymore and I used to be such a social animal! Am meant to be meeting a friend tomorrow for coffee but i feel anxious just thinking about it! (Felt like this before the new medication). Have also been prescribed medication for blood pressure. My heart beats so fast all of the time!
Have been back to Docs (before he prescribed Venlafaxine) but he said it is anxiety and has gone over the tests with me. Could these other symptoms be to do with the Venlafaxine? Am due to go back to Docs this week but don't think i could bear to try another AD. Iknow I have got to try and believe him when he says it is anxiety, but i feel so unwell. My son is home from from uni at the moment, so trying to put a brave face on, even though he knows what the problem is. I feel so guilty for putting him through this!
Anyone else felt like this on Venlafaxine? Or couldit be anxiety related. Am also on medication for blood pressure which i started a week ago which states ' can cause weakness ' Any ideas anyone?