View Full Version : Is this normal?!

12-06-11, 21:03
Is it normal for one breast (my left) to become larger during my period? Not both, just one. It started getting bigger in time with my period, so I'm hoping this is all it is, but I'm terrified because I stupidly googled :( and it says 'sudden increase of size in one breast can be a sign of cancer'

Its also a bit tender :(

Anyone else get this? Should I mention it to the doctor? I'm worried about inflamitary breast cancer :(

12-06-11, 21:25
It also feels hotter :(

12-06-11, 21:55
One of mine is always a little bigger than the other, and the difference in size does seem to appear more pronounced when it's my time of the month. I think you're fine. If you're worried, check every couple of weeks for lumps around the area and under your armpit. Visit your Doctor if you notice anything suspicous. x

12-06-11, 23:39
Does it ever feel much hotter than the other one?

13-06-11, 00:40

I agree with Sophie.

One of my boobs is slightly bigger than the other, and most women have this. It is probably just more noticeable when your breasts enlarge due to monthly hormonal changes.

The heat is totally normal, again this is hormonal. My boobs - sometimes just one as well - feel hot, swollen and sore around the time preceding my period, and at the start and it wears down once the period draws on.

Please try not to worry. Tenderness DEFINITELY isn't a sign of anything serious. I have cysts in my breasts and was told when I went for my initial breast exam that cancerous lumps do not hurt at all or bear any heat.

I'm sure that you are fine hun.xxxxx

13-06-11, 00:48
I forgot to say that Inflammatory breast cancer is RARE. It would be an incredible thing if it was that and not just connected to your period hun.x

I think that a check up is the best thing as they can properly examine both of your breasts, and check for something like cysts as I had a lot of breast tenderness before I was diagnosed. They are nothing to worry about either.xx

13-06-11, 00:55
Thanks guys, I'll phone the DR's first thing and see if I can get checked out. Can they tell if it's an infection or cysts by just examining?

Thanks again