View Full Version : Constantly strong and fast heartbeat

12-06-11, 21:21
Hi all, I posted around 2 years ago suffering from the same symptoms I'm currently experiencing.

Basically my main complaint is a forceful heartbeat that I constantly feel in my upper chest and neck. It is so strong that it moves the t-shirt I'm wearing, and I notice it more when I'm sitting still and trying to sleep. I have no chest pain, shortness of breath, and I recently (2 days ago) completed a 7 mile walk/light jog without any problems. Having said that, I am overweight (19st) and lead a fairly sedentary lifestyle.

I experienced these symptoms two years ago and after several ECGs with several doctors (and the A&E department), they could find nothing abnormal, and I put it down to anxiety. I do have a history of health anxiety, but I'm starting to wonder if there's a reason I'm experiencing these symptoms. I mean, sitting on the sofa, my heartrate is around 80-90, and after eating it's up to 110-120. Even if I stand up and walk into another room!

Is this anxiety getting it's hold of me? Is it normal to have a heartbeat that is physically visible and so constantly forceful and fast?

I am taking no medications, don't smoke and hardly drink, and have not drank since these symptoms have occurred. When I do calm myself down either by playing a video game or when I wake up in the morning, my heart rate is around 70 and not too forceful, but that is the only respite I can get.

Many thanks in advance for your replies

12-06-11, 22:02
Hi Paul,


I also have an awareness of my heartbeat ALL the time! Its horrible!! I sit and watch my tshirt "pulsing" too and i often find myself looking at other peoples chest to see if theres does the same - not a good idea ive had many funny looks LOL
I also "see" my pulse in my legs (if i cross them) and in my hands, i have a fringe and i often see my hair twitching with my pulse too. :wacko:
Because i can feel my heart beat all the time i also feel it go faster when i move etc, its especially bad when i go upstairs, and its really strong if i lie completly flat, going to the dentist is an awful experience for me because of being lain so flat out!!
Ive had this since my son was born and he is 18 on Thursday!
Also when i am not aware of my heartbeat im checking my pulse to see if its ok! I cant win!!!!!
My doctor said it was nothing abnormal and only as im anxious i am more aware of it, of course im not 100% convinced about that diagnosis!!
Im also overweight, but active and i dont know exactly how much i weigh but its over 17st i know that for sure. I must try and loose some but just cant get motivated to do so.
Linda x

13-06-11, 12:49
Thanks Linda, it's reassuring to know you have experienced the heart pounding and your doctor says it is down to anxiety. It doesn't matter what side I lie on at night, I can feel my heart thudding away, even when I wake up it's there! It's so disconcerting :(

13-06-11, 21:51
Can anyone else relate to what I'm experiencing?

14-06-11, 09:54
Hi Paul (and Linda)

Yes, like both of you, I also feel my heart pretty much all the time, although sometimes it seems worse than others. Even if it's not going particularly fast, it often feels very forceful. I can see my chest moving, and also sometimes other bits of my body. I'm quite thin so I always thought that might make it worse... Sometimes it drives me mad, I just wish I wasn't always so aware of it. I think it's worse when you're sitting or lying still because there's nothing else to distract you. Mine is also sometimes quite fast for no reason, sometimes just standing up makes it go to 120 although I do have problems with low blood pressure when I stand up. Apparently it's quite normal for it to get faster after eating as well. Sometimes I listen to my partner's heart after we've eaten and his is as fast if not faster than mine - but he just isn't aware of it at all. And once you're anxious about it and monitoring how hard/fast it's going it just becomes more and more noticeable!

I don't have any solutions I'm afraid... I do take a low dose of beta blocker (propranolol) on bad days (maybe 2 or 3 times a week) as I also get a lot of extra heartbeats, and that really helps to calm it down so I can't feel it any more, but of course you might not want to go down that route!