View Full Version : terrified of accepting work

22-04-06, 21:35
Hello my problem is not as serious as others but i hope you can help me as i don't know where else to turn.

About 4 years ago i left a job in retail to go back to college to update my computer skills so i could move to office work. Since i left i've been terrified about accepting a job because i keep thinking i won't be able to do the job. I've had a couple of long term temp jobs which have been basic and both times i've been offered more responsibilty and a permanent position i've left. I've turned down 3 really good jobs because i'm terrified. I'm fine in the interview but as soon as they say what the job entails i start to panic and say to myself i can't do the job. I've been unemployed for 6 months and the longer i stay away the worse it seems to be. I really don't know know how to get past this.


22-04-06, 22:15
hi jane,

things you can try to help yourself. keep your outlook positive, tell yourself 'you can do it', get a book of positive affirmations and say them every day. you might not feel very positive, but the feelings follow the thoughts eventually. have you ever tried any counselling, i would have thought any kind to improve your confidence would help. or some cbt to help you deal with that particular work situation.

could you not try another basic temp job, just to get yourself back into the work scene. anyway hope some of that made some sense, tc .. andrew

23-04-06, 19:52
THANKYOU Andrew for your helpful advice.


23-04-06, 19:57

Why don't you give it a go? You know the saying - to fail is to not try? If you don't like it you can always leave and move on but that could be the dream job that you are letting go.

When I see job adverts they always ask so much and I think I couldn't do that but in reality they don't expect that much and if you can even offer half of what they expect then it is more than enough.

It will give you great confidence to go for it and see that you can.

Happy hunting


23-04-06, 20:44
Just take one step at a time, maybe start out finding a nice easy job even if the pay isn't great. Later, once your confidence has improved you can look for something better with more responsibility. I know how you feel, I needed time out for a few weeks before I started my new job recently, however, I think my anxiety was worse during that time because I was sat in the house all day and my mind had too much time to worry about every little thing. Yes, work can be stressful but it gets you out into society and keeps you occupied.

existential crisis
23-04-06, 21:29

I totally know what you mean. I have taken a break from work and my degree because of my anxiety and I feel exactly like you when I think about going back. I cant think of any other answer but go for it! That's what I'm gonna do anyway! Clare. xxx

*I think, therefore I am.*