View Full Version : Right temple very sensitive/sharp pain to touch... ??

12-06-11, 22:54
For the last 5 days I've had this pain that isn't noticable except when I touch it lightly or graze it lightly (like with a hat or taking off clothes over my head)
I've also noticed an occasional ache within my head on that side after I've touched it for a little, or sometimes it's just sporadically ached in certain places.
I've had sensitive temples before but this is different -far more sensitive and more as if there's a pin stuck in it or something.

I haven't found anything to tell me this could just be anxiety, so I've no idea! Been feeling generally a bit urgh this last week anyway. (p.s I only noticed this pain right after I dyed my hair -but it was a semi perm vegan dye that I've used before =/ so I don't get how it could be that?)

Many thanks for reading and any replies!

12-06-11, 23:01
Hi, cant really offer any advice on what could be causing it but what your describing ive suffered from a few times and never knew what it was sometimes felt like a spot would appear but never did, sorry post isnt of much help x

13-06-11, 19:32
Thanks. How long do you think it lasted for before it went away?

23-12-11, 16:03
Hello. I have been having the exact same pain for the past week or two. It also occurs when I put on or take off clothes. Also when I lay down on my right temple. Have you found anything yet? Let me know if and when you do, I'd appreciate it!


23-12-11, 20:42
Hello there,
This thread was a while ago and thankfully the pain went away! I did tell the doctor about it and he wasn't concerned, he said it was probably just a local reaction to the hair dye I used. I'm not sure what it was but it went away! I hope yours goes soon too! I did phone our national health service line at the time too, and they said it could be shingles, but it obviously wasn't. Shingles is a virus that goes away on it's own anyway. I also wondered if it could be a sensitive nerve (maybe due to stress?)
Try not to worry and it should just go. Obviously if it gets worse or doesn't budge check with your doctor.
All the best!! Hope your head feels better soon!