View Full Version : Worried About Hurting Myself

13-06-11, 12:07
Last night marked an all-time low for me...

I have been suffering from what I would call moderate depression, on-and-off, for some time. I know the reasons and recognise the triggers, but cannot stop it from sneaking up on me and putting me through hell.

Before I go on, I have to tell you that I am taking positive action to resolve the emotional underlying issues causing this. I have now an appointment to see a counsellor and hopefully also start CBT, but I know it will be a long road as I have issues which go as far back as my early childhood. All, undoubtedly, unresolved.

So... I have been suffering for some time with back pains. Initially severe, but now what I would call constant and very uncomfortable. I have had to sleep on my settee for over a week as my bed seems to aggravate the issue.

Last night my upstairs neighbour came home late and as we all have wooden floors, I could hear every step and every door slamming she did, as I tried to fall asleep. The noise kept waking me up just as I was about to drop off. I have to get up at 5.30m am and was more and more aware of how little sleep I'd get.
(She is not a *noisy neighbour* by any means, and was not actually making a nuisance of herself. Just the normal noises you'd expect)

Whereas this would normally have no adverse effect on me, last night I was very tired and in pain. I became very agitated and stressed, and by midnight I was out of control with it.

I got up and was so angry and stressed that I started literally pulling at my hair, punching myself in the face and head and banging my forehead against the wall as I said *Why, God? Why? I need to rest!!! Am I so worthless that I do not deserve to rest?!!*

I went to my bedroom after this episode. Very frightened with myself and my ability to take it out on myself, physically.
I cried a lot. Mainly in fear of what I am capable of.

I have never been suicidal, and still am not.

But I fear myself now. What am I capable of when I am that stressed and tired and frustrated?

I am not what you'd think of as a person who could do this, and I am now scared of my own company.

I went to work today very tired, and cried constantly. Both with fear and sadness at what I did. I told my manager that I am depressed (which he knows) and also that my back hurts. Both are true. He sent me home.

Can anyone offer help or words of advice?

Thank you for reading if you got this far!


13-06-11, 16:42
I'm sorry that you are feeling like this. If you feel like self harming in whatever form then you need emergency care either from your GP or NHS direct or as a last resort the casualty department of your local hospital. Take and just make that phone call. EJ.

13-06-11, 18:04

Sorry to read how you are feeling. I am going through similar problems with anxiety and depression. I have also banged my head with my fists and cut my arm twice and it frightens me what I can do to myself. The previous post is good advice. I have found that the Samaritans are realy good to talk to. When I rang I spilled out all my worrys and felt a lot better also they offered to check on me in two days by ringing me and I chatted again. They are not just there if you feel suicidal, they will listen to you without judging you.

I have been off work since 11 May 11 and am not going to go back until the citalopram has started to work as its difficult to concentrate and figure out where my happy self is. I also sleep too long but its very disturbed. Hope you feel better soon.

13-06-11, 19:17
I'm sorry that you are feeling like this. If you feel like self harming in whatever form then you need emergency care either from your GP or NHS direct or as a last resort the casualty department of your local hospital. Take and just make that phone call. EJ.

Hi ElizabethJane,

Thank you for your reply. I am going to see my doctor tomorrow.

I have an appointment with a consellor on the 1st July and am currently trying to bring it forward but she is on leave until next Monday.

I do not take what happened yesterday lightly, and am extremely worried about it all.

I have no desire to cut myself or anything that drastic and have no idea why I wanted to punch myself.
Today I recalled that my ex, and very abusive, husband did exactly that to me. Pulled my hair and banged my head against a wall, whilst telling me what a piece of you-know-what I was. That was many years ago and I left him because of the way he abused me emotionally and physically.

That rang a bell. A loud bell.

I am still carrying emotional scars from a lot of things, and the belief that I am worthless (which consciously I know is not true) around with me.

I do not want to take synthetic mood-enhancing drugs and have bought some St John's Wort which has helped me in the past. I have not taken it because I need to ask my doctor whether it will interfere with the painkillers I have for my back.

Basically, I just do not recognise this person who did this last night... This is what I am struggling with the most.


13-06-11, 19:20

Sorry to read how you are feeling. I am going through similar problems with anxiety and depression. I have also banged my head with my fists and cut my arm twice and it frightens me what I can do to myself. The previous post is good advice. I have found that the Samaritans are realy good to talk to. When I rang I spilled out all my worrys and felt a lot better also they offered to check on me in two days by ringing me and I chatted again. They are not just there if you feel suicidal, they will listen to you without judging you.

I have been off work since 11 May 11 and am not going to go back until the citalopram has started to work as its difficult to concentrate and figure out where my happy self is. I also sleep too long but its very disturbed. Hope you feel better soon.

Hi Johno,

I am so sorry to hear that things have gotten to this point for you.

I had not thought about calling the Samaritans, but it is a great suggestion. Thank you!

It all happened so quickly and was so not premeditated that I had no thought to look for any help. I just wanted to cry at my cruelty to myself, if that makes any sense.
I know I do not deserve to treat myself this way, and to allow myself to have such anger towards my own person and life.

Let's hope we can both find a better place in our minds to inhabit.


15-06-11, 10:55
Hi Johno,

I am so sorry to hear that things have gotten to this point for you.

I had not thought about calling the Samaritans, but it is a great suggestion. Thank you!

It all happened so quickly and was so not premeditated that I had no thought to look for any help. I just wanted to cry at my cruelty to myself, if that makes any sense.
I know I do not deserve to treat myself this way, and to allow myself to have such anger towards my own person and life.

Let's hope we can both find a better place in our minds to inhabit.



Thanks for your kind words. One thing that this site does for all of us is bring together nice people and creates friendships which sometimes is hard to get went you are feeling so down. Its sometimes hard to deal with work coleauges and friends when you are on the level but when you are down its somewhat of a disadvantage.

I have also found that since joining this forum I am able to write about my feelings much more than speaking them and also am not embarrassed too.

26-06-11, 20:14
Hello there,

I am sorry to read of your suffering.
Please know that you are not alone.
I too am going through the same and it truly sucks.
I was about to recommend in regards to writing all down.
I keep a journal/diary and it helps offload some of that built up negativity within the mind. Sometimes, rather than the self harming, I pick up my diary and pen and put all my thoughts into that. It helps a lot.
Where as I am unable to open up about specific things, I can just jot it all down in there and move onto the next entry when needed.
It takes off some of the weight from my "weighed down" shoulders.
Anyway, keep your chin up and keep smiling, you can get through this phase. It just takes a few rough obstacles before you can do so.
In the meantime have this great big HUG from me :bighug1: