View Full Version : Terrible ectopics/palps - how many??

13-06-11, 13:19

I am booked into the docs this afternoon as I've had terrible palps/ectopics for about a week now...many an hour (three or four every couple of mins) and although I'm trying to keep a handle on the rational part of my brain, the chest full of adrenaline I've had for about a week is becoming terrifying.

How long can palps/ectopics last? And how many do people experience in, for example, an hour? I've had these before but never so many and for so long. Really, genuinely scared of heart problems...

Any help/words appreciated...

14-06-11, 16:44
Hey Dan,

I noticed you haven't had a reply here so I thought I'd be short and sweet if you're still about.

Basically, they are the result of fatigue/adrenaline/anxiety/tension/caffeine and if you have one or all of these things then they can happen as many times as they want.

Essentially the more you worry about them the more you will get them. When my anxiety levels are low I can just brush them aside and ignore it and they seem to happen less, or they will happen and I'll sort of notice but not care so it doesn't seem as strong because I'm not adding a whole load of "OH MY GOD" to the mix.

To be more specific in answering your question, if your doctor has said they are benign, then believe him. They know what they're looking for. I read that for a cardiologist to do anything about these ectopics you have to have thousands an hour and even then they aren't harmful.

Chin up :)

14-06-11, 17:19
I have "suffered" from ectopics for over 20 years so load of experience I'm afraid. I have had a mixture of experiences with them. About 10 years ago at their worst every 3rd heatbeat was an ectopic, my ecg was spectacular but not a worry to the cardiologist, I could have this for up to two weeks then they would improve. I have never had a day without an ectopic at some time. I could also get runs of ectopics where it feels as if your heart is fluttering all over the place and it is that last up to 10 seconds and make me feel panic stricken and faint and leaves me with a racing heart until I calm down.

I have had numerous 24hr ecgs and also echo of heart over the years. I have been told that only anxious people notice ectopics and if someone has ectopics but they don't mention them then the Drs keep quiet as well as they are harmless but horrible.

In over 20 years I can find no rhyme or reason for mine they can be bad for weeks then good for months. The following may apply but its trial and error- if your potassium or magnesium levels are borderline low then this can give you palps ectopics etc, try a magnesium supplement and eat a banana a day. Anything with caffeine in it like chocolate or coffee and also alcohol can trigger them. Having a full stomach can irritate the vagus nerve which is the cause of palps etc so eat small meals often and keep off the fizzy drinks. The biggest of all is of course being anxious:winks: