View Full Version : Dose too high or too low?!

13-06-11, 14:10

I've now been on an increased dose of 30mg for 6 weeks after being on 20mg for 8 weeks. I am certainly a lot better than 3 months ago but still don't feel back to my normal self.

I'm currently very tired a lot of the time, sleep is still very disrupted, teeth clenching and a bit "spaced out" sometimes. Maybe this is because the dose is TOO HIGH?! Or could it be that I need to increase the dose?!

Very confused!

13-06-11, 14:52
6 weeks isn't long enough for all of the side effects to have passes. I would give it more time and see how you feel once you are sleeping better again.

13-06-11, 17:46
On a higher dose I slept alot dont worry about it. Its good rest LOL...Does get annoying though at times.

17-06-11, 20:05
It's not so high, don't worry. I am on 40mg and don't feel so tired, it depends on the person.