View Full Version : Can anxiety affect my eyes?! Help me!

13-06-11, 16:18

Since i started suffering with anxiety many months ago! i have had problems with my eyes! sometimes i can have good days and barely notice anything, others i see spots or flashing lights, sometimes if there is a light on near me i will think it has flickered but no one else has noticed?? but i dont know if this is because i am very aware of my eyes now and i am subconciously looking for it! i have been to the opticians and had all the tests and they say im absolutly fine, if anyone else suffers with this please please let me know and put my mind at rest im going out of my mind! xx

13-06-11, 18:00
Anxiety affects our eyes a lot. Most anxious people experience floaters, flickers, light sensitivity. You become hype aware of things in your vision, casing these effects. I know what you mean about thinking you saw a light flicker when it didn't, but it is more likely you blinked or jerked your eye without realising. No need to worry - especially as the optician said so. You will find you don't notice these things as your anxiety improves.
Take care :)

13-06-11, 18:08
My eyes where really bad, I had blurred vision all the time and was really worried. i went to optician who said I had perfect vision which made me feel better for about ten minutes! Thankfully the blurred vision has gone and cleared up quite quickly once I realised what was going on and went to see my doctor who pieced everything together with me to figure out it was all stress/anxiety related. So don't worry and rest assured things will return to normal once your stress levels drop. This site is invaluable and all questions i have ever had or feelings i have experienced have always been amswered on here x good luck :)

14-06-11, 07:25
Thanks guys!! i feel so much better now :) I think i have anxiety about the symptoms of my anxiety, i was such a healthy person before all this started! xx

14-06-11, 08:38
people on this website seem to know how to calm me down just as i get a new symptom! just yesterday i started worrying about my eyes and thought i saw a bird in my peripheral vision but nothing was there and then i started concentrating on my vision which is always a loosing battle, so i think ive experienced similar things to you

14-06-11, 09:35
Yea i get that all the time - sometimes i feel like theres a black mark on the wall and when i look theres nothing there! My partner thinks im losing my marbles! i feel loads better now i know im not the only one and it doesnt seem to bother me as much, where as before everytime i saw something i was freaking out and making it worse! x