View Full Version : Bites on legs

13-06-11, 16:56
Sorry everyone but don't know what to.am sitting here shaking and almost in tears.last weekend I went to the countryside ,on Monday when I was getting ready for work I noticed two bites on my knee ,both where very itchy and red and quite big.My mum and friend said they where bites.I was so worried that went to the chemist who said bites and gave cream.

I googled and saw lymes disease and said that other diseases can look like bites.I was extremely worried and went to the dr who said are def bites and didn't look like lymes disease.they where getting better until Saturday they started to itch again and appear to have got bigger.I was wearing legging and my friend said that could have irritated them.I was at work today in black trousers and I didn't scratch but they are still big.

I am convinced I have a horrible disease and will die.I can't believe they are just bites -why havnt they healed and why have they got bigger?Im so scared,so scared, thanks for reading.

13-06-11, 17:20
Ok well look at this way - 4 people have told you there are bites including a doctor who will know better than most.

When I get bitten they can take well over a week to heal and get better.

You are fine and they will go in time.

13-06-11, 17:35
Hi - i went away a few year ago and got bitten, it was still red and itchy months later, and the scar from it stayed with me for a few years. also if your itching it, it is bound to get worse. i worry about everything, and therfore what ever im worrying about gets worse! so if it is constantly in the back of your mind you are bound to be more aware of it and itch it. plus if your wearing leggings, the bites cant breath, which will make them warm and sweaty, which will definatly make them itch!! hope they go away soon :)

13-06-11, 18:08
Stop googling these things anxietygirl and listen to your doctor! I have had similar bites and they have itched like mad and got worse when my socks have rubbed against them. If the weather is warm it makes it even worse. Don't worry, these things do take a while to clear up. Try not to have anything too tight against them and like the above post says, let the air get to them.:)


13-06-11, 18:12
Horse fly bites take ages to fade and are big but quite harmless. My guess is that is what these are.

13-06-11, 20:25
I live by a saltmarsh and we get mossies in August sept every year and the bites are horrendous, huge red itchy lumps that can take weeks to go away. I had never been bitten before I came to live by the saltmarsh and my Gp said one of the reasons is that if you are new to an area you have an allergic reaction to the saliva of the insect the first few bites but then react less after that. last august we slept with window open and husband and I woke up in morning and each had 12 bites on our bodies! Little xxxxxs

15-06-11, 21:27
Thank you everyone