View Full Version : Abdominal discomfort - 4 months - scared, also fatty liver

13-06-11, 17:01
Hi, Just back looking for reassurance or anyone else's experiences really I guess... I started with lower right abdominal pain in Feb. Sometimes it feels like my hip and sometimes def lower right nr belly button or nr right ovary, other times down towards pubic bone. The thing that doesn't change is that it is always there - from when I get up until I go to bed. It is not a sharp pain, more of a dull ache, sometimes it stings a little or is like a stitch. I am going back to the drs next Monday but am driving myself insane trying to work out what it is and not resort to google.

I have already been to the drs with it and had bloods and abdominal ultrasound. Everything was fine with these - he just said I had a slightly fatty liver which was to be expected as I am overweight. Does anyone know if fatty liver can cause abdo pain?? I have a huge cancer phobia and there are so many things that can be wrong that have abdominal pain :(

I am taking reassurance in the scan as I believe that it checked kidneys, liver, pancreas, ovaries, womb and gall bladder. I also hope that anything dodgy would have showed as something odd in the bloods? I have just taken stool sample thing in today (nice) to check for blood as dr said that may reassure me...

I don't think it is IBS as apart from some indigestion (burping after meals or coffee), I have just 1 bm per day - although I have been much looser since this started (but I think may be because anxious)?

Does anyone know if my weight and posture could cause my pain.. maybe pulled muscle? Dr thought pulled muscle originally but has been going on four months and no better :(

I am trying to be positive and as I have posted in other threads I am trying to take control of alcohol intake (I drink too often) and lose weight and get fitter. Small steps though as a long way to go.

flumpkin x

13-06-11, 20:51
Hi you! Well you know that we share the same symptons lol! I am now having pain ummm down below (lady bits)! Now my sensible head is telling me that nerve pain in my hip/ovary area is connected to those bits... kinda makes sense. However in the last two weeks I have felt nausea (about to start a thread)... I don't know much about fatty liver although I thought any type of pain/discomfort would be much higher up? Livers also are hardy and I believe you can reverse fatty liver? I may be wrong - maybe I should ask doctor google!!!!

I bet we will both be here this time next year - still complaining (I hope you are giggling now) .. I am getting B12 and diabetes test done this week. Have you had these tested?

Warm hugs xxx

13-06-11, 21:52
Hello fellow hurty abdo buddy,

Def put a smile on my face - thank you! I think you are right everything in the that area is connected to everything else - plus so many bits around there lol. I am useless at anatomy and have no idea where half the things are - but I think you are right in that my liver would be higher and to be fair dr did not seem concerned about liver and did not say how fatty. It has made me look at alcohol and lifestyle though so something positive.

Is your pain there all the time? Mine isn't severe but just getting me down as always there as a constant reminder that something is not right. I am going back to drs for the first time next week since I got the scan results as he told me to leave it a month or so in case settled or was due to anxiety... so no idea where I will go next? Don't think had B12 or diabetes although had a glucose test in my work medical and that was normal. What does B12 test for?

What have they said about your nerve pain - can they give meds for it?

Luckily I have had no nausea, but you have my sympathy chick as it sucks. Hope we both get more answers soon.


macc noodle
13-06-11, 22:11
Now i am worried that i have got fatty liver problems cos mine is higher up - oh dear - nasty vicious circle once again :(

13-06-11, 22:16
Jan, Try not to panic - as I said Dr is not concerned about my liver (or didn't say he was), obviously I am a bit freaked by it as I now know I do have this and especially as I think I only have myself to blame!

I don't think it is supposed to hurt, I was just clutching at straws... as this is something they have noticed, so in a way I would like it to account for my abdominal discomfort - rather than there being something else going on :(

I also believe that by changing my lifestyle I should be able to repair/improve my liver a bit as it is the one organ that can do that.

I know how you feel and sorry if my post has set you off with more worries xx

13-06-11, 22:16
B12 - it is a vital vitamin needed and often can cause some nasty effects if depleted. A deficiency which may cause permanent changes to the nervous system. It can affect three parts of the nervous system: the peripheral nerves with loss of sensation and weakness in the legs, the spinal chord with loss of vibration and position sense in the legs resulting in unsteadiness, and parts of the brain resulting in mood change and memory loss. Now seeing as the doctor thought my pain was steming from my spine into my pelvis I kinda wondered if B12 may be involved. You can see I am clutching at straws here cant you lol Also my mum also had a low count of B12 and had to have B12 injections - thought best to get checked anyway.

Yes my nagging pain is always there to remind me ho hum - I am meant to be going on my hols soon and so wanted to put this all behind me. They gave me amitripline for my nerve pain although i am loathe to take it... and yet to give it a chance to work!

I believe this is a common pain area for us woman - so please try not to worry to much (like me lol) xxx

macc noodle
13-06-11, 22:22
Well mine is very mobile - lower regions no pain at mo but dreadful pains across upper back and full of burps - oh dear - Dr Google is telling me really bad things - end stage ovarian cancer and i am not a happy bunny :(

13-06-11, 22:27
I have had amitriptaline - I was in a car accident a few years back and suffered a herniated disc in my neck - which pressed on a nerve and I could not lie down at all - slept in a chair for a few months! The amitriptaline was prescribed to make me sleep as I was so tired - it worked and I would not have coped without it, but I would say it made me feel a little spaced out at times. I took it at night and it took me a while to come around in the mornings - I knew what was going on but sat in a bit of a daydream not really engaging if that makes sense, for about 1/2 hr or so. It really did help me though.

Where are you off on holibobs? Try and focus on having a good time with family. A break is maybe what we all need. I feel the same, wishing the pain would just let up and I could go back to how I was at the start of feb! We are camping in the summer and with this abdo pain I am not looking forward to it as much as I want to be...

I think someone should have warned us about falling apart as we get older ;-)

Let me know how you get on with your B12 tests xx

13-06-11, 22:29
Noooo Dr Google is a very bad man! Although I was naughty and looked up fatty liver - and I am in no way worried about that, nor should you girls!

macc noodle
13-06-11, 22:31
LOL Ambers - Dr Google is indeed a very evil man!

would be lovely to be worry and symptom free : here's hoping for all 3 of us :)

13-06-11, 22:31
Jan, OC as you know was my most recent concern. Honestly the dr does not seem too bothered by the burping - I know it can be associated with anxiety too. You have had ok bloods haven't you? I think something would show if anything was going on. There are lots of people on here with the burping, acid reflux etc. I know easier said than done but try not to stress and STOP GOOGLING!!! xxxx

macc noodle
13-06-11, 22:32
I've got burpability then !!!!!

Tnx hunni - you have made me smile after a very miserable evening of worry :D

13-06-11, 22:34
I have to agree with the 'falling apart as getting older'... are we all in our early forties? It may explain alot!

Holiday - I am getting back on a plane to Portugal! Another post in a few days for this one! I am not scared of flying but after the year I have had with panic attacks/anxiety and now this abdo lark I am abit apprehensive.

Thanks about the amitripthingy, will try them after hols. Where are you going camping? Hope the weather gets better x

13-06-11, 22:43
Hey - spring chicken here, at a mere 38 I'll have you know ;-) ... god help me when I hit 40 lol.

I think hol is just what dr orders. I am sure flight will be fine. You need some relaxing family time, chilling and soaking up some happy sunshine rays. We are camping in Cornwall, going for 12 days so figure it can't rain all the time!!

Burpability? Love it! We should stop panicking - many people would be proud of our talent! xx

14-06-11, 09:41
try not to worry i know easier said than done, i get pains where you do to.

14-06-11, 10:13
This is really amazing. Noooo Dr Google is a very bad man! Although I was naughty and looked up fatty liver - and I am in no way worried about that. It is the main thing about it.

14-06-11, 11:57
Thanks Emma, reassuring to know not alone. Sometimes I am
ok and then suddenly I get a big panic thinking this pain is not normal and there has to be something wrong! Helps knowing not just me

DenyalMartin - thanks for reply - do you mean that abdo pain is the main thing about fatty liver? Sorry just wanted to clarify and don't want to google ;-)

07-09-15, 02:38
I know this is old but how are you doing? I have the pains as well even though it is considered mild. A nurse made me freak out because I told her I had the pain and she said a mild case wouldn't cause pain...but I have always been sensitive with my body in feeling pain. Not that I can handle the pain, I just feel it easily