View Full Version : Hernia.. Reflux in agony!

13-06-11, 18:44
This time last year I was 9 months pregnant and all my babies have been big i have a split stomach muscle called diatus recti, I'm only small, this was my 3rd pregnancy and above my bump a extra bulge would appear my midwife said it was a hernia. No more was said done about it, recently I've been having reflux issues my dr sent me for a MRI which i had last Tuesday to see if the hernias there and to look at the muscle. I haven't heard anything yet.

In the meantime my dr started me on lansoprazole 30mg which helped the first wk, but now I'm in agony all the time my symptoms are..

Burning feeling just below breastbone
Feel full all the time
So bloated
Burnt feeling in throat
Feel like I have lots of trapped air in my upper stomach and left rib
Pain in left rib
The bottom of my ribs tender to touch
Just feel like I have a brick in my stomach.

Obviously I'm going back to my gp but does this sound normal for these issues?? I'm scared it's cancer or a big tumour in there.

Lele x

13-06-11, 22:21
Anyone.. ??

13-06-11, 22:38
Hi there,

I just want to let you know that I've been suffering from all your syptoms plus more.

My doctor diagnosed me with gerd(acid reflux) and suspects I have a hernia but hasn't officially diagnosed me with it yet. All I can tell you is that despite having this, I still eat certain foods I shouldn't be eating....:blush:.

I'm a huge sucker for French Fries and I would eat it everyday If I could(I eat it like 2x a week). I also love Pizza, Chinese and Fried Chicken :roflmao:.

I'll admit that when I eat healthy, I get almost no symptoms, then I rush and eat junk and they return. I do eat fruits and veggies and drink loads of water, but I always eat some type of junk I should't eat and it flares up. It sucks the most when I'm out with friends cuz there's no way I'm gonna sit there and watch them eat pizza or a chesseburger and I'll eat a salad.:roflmao:

Anyways, I think we're fine and I usually drink malox to help me. I also have omeprazole but I don't really use it.

Forgot to add that I always think I have cancer when these symptoms flare up because of the constant news that gerd causes cancer in the esophagus.

13-06-11, 22:44
Thanx for replying. Yeah the junk food doesn't help me either. Hope you feel better.

Lele x