View Full Version : Breathing issues

23-04-06, 02:45
Hi all its Chrissy - I have a couple questions that I need answered!!!

1.) Does anyone suffer from sleep apnea and/or heartburn? How can that relate to anxiety and depersonalization?

2.) Has anyone ever felt like they were forgetting to breathe or that they COULD forget to breathe? Almost as if your brain stops sending the automatic breathing signal? It doesnt feel like i CANT breathe but that im just going to FORGET to breathe and im worried one day im just gonna stop and my body will shut down and I will die

Sorry if this sounds stupid - but it has been stressing me out lately as I havent had a problem in awhile and seemed to be symptom free for the most part other then the things I mentioned above. Thank you

23-04-06, 11:05
yes i suffer from heartburn and no you wont just forget to breath, breathing is an automatic function and we dont control it ourself it is control by the respiratory centre in the medulla of the brain, if you have ever tried to hold your breath you will know that you eventually breath whether you want to or not its our basic instinct for survival so please dont worry about that. As for sleep apnoea, it is fairly common and there are studies which need to be carried out to confirm this usually a 24 hour sleep study where they wire you up and check out your breathing throughout the night but even with this i have never heard of anyone who has died because of it. Please speak to your gp about your worries and i am sure they can alley your fears.hope this helps.

I just want my life back

23-04-06, 12:37
hi there

check out my post on "physio and overbreathing" in this section - retraining breathing is fairly easy and make a big difference to feeling in control of your breathing - abdominal breathing is the core to good breathing but there is more to feeling in control than that - buteyko is a method of retraining that would be worth a google - i'll look it up and post some more info


24-04-06, 01:32
hyperventalating is my biggest panic everyday especially in morning in the last few months heart burn and nausea also i hate it but i know it passes its just scary as hell when it happens...Linda