View Full Version : Seeing things

13-06-11, 20:52
Yesterday I saw a desk like thing and went towards it and nothing was there and today I saw a person walking in my garden. I'm scared. I also get feelings like blood can't pass thRoghu my veins and the area pulses. I also get severe numbness to the point my legs go dead n I can't walk I also get pains in fingers and a pain in my side when I sit a certain a way. Sometimes my anxiety cam cause me to sit indoors n do nothing for days on end so I'm scared of a blood clot or Stroke n I know seeing things can be a sign of neurogical disease. !

13-06-11, 21:00
Seeing things that aren'tthere can be a stress signal. I often see things which aren't there but chalk it up to my brain sending memory signal to me... interestingly I never worry about this...but a bruise can send me gaga :)

13-06-11, 21:07
Thanks. My bro is eight and in hospital for two months now to seveRe halluncation and a physchotic problem. He can see and hear things.

13-06-11, 21:09
Sorry to hear about your brother I hope he makes some sort of recovery. Are you worried this runs through the family?

13-06-11, 21:12
Hi. Thanks I hope he does to but we have been told he may not. I am worried. I have bad anxiety n my mum had post natal depression. I'm worried me seeing things is a cause of a neurological disease such as a blood clot

13-06-11, 21:17
I am no expert in this field however I do know that when my anxiety is bad I see things and my world slows down around me (everything goes in slow motion). Infact as I said I often see things when I am feeling normal lol. I would suggest that yours is down to anxiety - it appears you have had alot to deal with x

13-06-11, 21:25
Thanks.. I only see this desk and person foR a second. Will tell doc next monday I also get pains in fingers and joints etc

14-06-11, 09:59
I was thinking about this again and I remembered when I was a little girl and got put to bed I used to see the witch from sleeping beauty walking towards me every night and I also used to hear snoring so I asked my dad Once if it was him and he said no, no one was snoring. The sleeping beauty thing used to scare me so much that I would beg and cry to sleep in my dads bed. I'm sure at aged 5-8 or so I wasn't stressed or anxious ...... Also last night I saw a creature on my blind- about 2cm long and very thin and black and when I woke up this morning there was a dot of slime on my iPod and also a few days ago I noticed a few dots on my duvet

14-06-11, 23:48
I'm still scared of. Blood clot and close to tears, I just got the pulse feeling above eye row. I remember one day I got the dead legs so bad I had to walk for half hour to get the feeling back. I also get ankle cramps which hurt to much I cry and my toes push together. I also get severe numbness in fingers and pains. They snap them go numb and crackle. Im scared of death, I don't want to die

15-06-11, 00:09
I also scared as earlier whilst bringing down empty glasses cups etc I looked in one and it was mank, must of been left for ages and it had bacteria in it etc

15-06-11, 00:19
I'm hearing things to- bangs and noises like similes down stairs- I've just got out of bed frantically and went to top of stairs/ am I loosing sense of reality- I can hear the person coming closer :(

15-06-11, 17:07
i just got a dead leg and bad nubness in my foot again. im to scared to go out but i want to because im such a couch poatato due to anxiety. its kind of a contradiction.

16-06-11, 02:26
I keep waking two or three times each night for the toilet. I reead this can be a sign of neurlogical disease or a sign someone is gonna have a stroke . At the moment though Ive been getting cramps in tummy so bad I cried and couldn't walk the other day burping food getting stuck and stomach making constant noises. I'm really scared of a blood clot as most days are spent in due to anxiety. I get dead legs pains in joins like ankle cramps toes press together. Pain I'm fingers numbness . Once they were making noises them going so numb I couldn't use them. I can't wait until Monday to see the doc

16-06-11, 02:32
Also it's not anxiety caused numbness as it occurs when just sitting down after a minute and I go completely dead and can't walk same with hands I can't use the
. I spend a lot of time sitting down and I'm scaredd. With my tummy cramps I always get a white discharge

16-06-11, 07:41
Im so glad its not just me!! since i have got anxiety, i see men in my bedroom and they seem so real!! as well as that through the day i see flashes of light, floaters and shapes!! oh the joys of anxiety eh! x

16-06-11, 13:01
I agree its very scary hearing/seeing things.
Im convoinced im going to have a stroke at the moment ive got a randompain in palm of hand. im to scared to go out or do anything thouhg. my eyes keep going funny and i cant see sometimes.

16-06-11, 13:48
I just sat down for 5 mins with laptop again and i got a numb foot

16-06-11, 13:53
my foot always goes numb, just another anxiety symptom :)

16-06-11, 19:33
thanks. i just got a pulse feeling in upper arm and it hurts now and now i have pins and needles down that arm and in that hand and down my leg to

21-06-11, 11:55
Wow, I've never experienced anything like this thankfully!

During my bad spells of depersonalization I would often worry about hallucinating things, thankfully I've never seen/heard anything (touch wood).

Do you suffer from panic attacks?