View Full Version : Foods That Upset Stomach ?

13-06-11, 20:52
Unusual for me, I had an upset tum this morning and through the day its felt uncomfy, windy type feel.
Only thing I really had different with dinner Sunday evening was a few florets of Brocolli. Its a veg I havent eaten for a long time.. Has anyone else had problems with Brocolli or other dark leaf veggies ?

14-06-11, 14:53
broccoli is noted for it's gas producing qualities so it could very well be this :)

14-06-11, 17:23
i like brocolli but it doesn't like me.

14-06-11, 21:12
So it can cause gas and loose stool ??

24-06-11, 20:03
I get wind with broccoli and vegetarian food like sausages which is a shame because i do not eat meat :doh: