View Full Version : physio to retrain overbreathing/ hyperventilation

23-04-06, 03:09
Hi all

I have just been on a course for respiratory physios about breathing dysfunction - often refered to as hyperventilation.

I’m a physio who has suffered anxiety problems and know the value of breathing control so was very pleased to get more information on the link between anxiety and breathing dysfunction which is very treatable.

Hyperventilation is a bit of a misnomer as it can be a small increase or poor breathing pattern that can cause a problem - it need only be 10 % above whats needed for your normal breathing to give some of these common ‘anxiety’ symptoms.

# Frequent yawning and sighing
# Feeling breathless after relatively minor exercise
# Difficulty co-ordinating breathing and talking and/or eating.
# Pins and needles in hands/arms/around mouth
# Palpitations
# Feeling permanently exhausted and unable to concentrate for no apparent reason
# Muscular aches and tension around the neck/shoulders/jaw
# Bloated feeling in the stomach
# Light-headedness


A lot of what they give is explanations of why over breathing can cause these symptoms and how to get your breathing pattern back in order through easy breathing exercises.

overbreathing is very common (probably 10% of GP patients). I think that many anxiety sufferers are probably chronic overbreathers - which came first will depend on the individual but doesn’t necessarily matter to the effect of treatment - this is not a replacement for counselling for underlying issues but provides good practical steps to releave physical symptoms, gain control and allow you get back to activity.

Also a recommended book is:

“Self-Help for Hyperventilation Syndrome: Recognizing and Correcting Your Breathing-Pattern Disorder” by Dinah Bradley (there are some rave reviews on amazon) - just ordered for £4.25 on line

Treatment may be available on the NHS through your local physiotherapy service - you would see a respiratory physiotherapist for an outpatient appointment via your GP.

good luck and contact the above website or check out the book for more info, or contact me

I was amazed of how much this approach related to anxiety symptom management - take a look!!

hope it helps Jos

23-04-06, 13:36
Hi Jos,

I'm glad you did this course and hope you can now help alot of people.

I suffer from asthma and chronic hyperventilation and last year I started seeing a respiratory physiotherapist at my local hospital. I found her on the website link that you gave (I have a post on here recommending that website too). She works in the NHS and I only had to wait about a month to see her after my gp recommended me. My gp didn't even know she was there providing this service and was pleased I found her. I have probably overbreathed most of my life as I often mouthbreathed due to nasal allergies and I also have mild asthma, I only noticed the breathing to be a problem since suffering with anxiety though, although now I can overbreathe even when really relaxed.
I am not cured yet but my breathing has been alot better since seeing her, I mostly only notice that I'm hyperventilating when I exercise now and even then I don't always notice it, it depends on how my breathing is that day to start with. I can't exercise much due to having ME but am slowly building up with gentle walking that is overseen by a ME physio.
I do still have bad days with the breathing but the physio is really helping, it takes time and practice though. I was told in my case it could take a year or more as my problems were quite bad but I will keep trying. Breathing problems can be scary, I still occasionally worry it's a lung or heart problem despite having all the tests that say I'm ok, but it does help to understand what causes all these symptoms. I have also read Dinah Bradleys book self help for hyperventilation, it's great, really explains what is happening and my therapist recommends it too.

Good luck Jos,
