View Full Version : Can't stop worrying :(

13-06-11, 23:08
For the past few weeks I've been getting bouts of dizzyness / generally feeling unbalanced, on top of this i've got really swollen lymph nodes at the moment without having a cold and one quite big on appeared under my right ear at the back (bigger than normal and very hard)

Really worried now as i can't stop thinking about you know what, can't get into the docs until wednesday evening either which is killing me, barely ate any tea tonight as i'm just so anxious....which hasn't helped as i'm even more worried now that my lack of appetite was down to something else other than anxiety :unsure:

And on top of all that i've felt generaly unwell all day, but very on and off. I can't get certain things out of my head, i can't relax.

Can anyone recommend what i should ask the doctor? I've had a few on going problems with ear infections/balance as it is and every time i go i get pretty much pushed along with the usual answers, i think they only way i'll ever relax is if they really did something to put my mind at ease but i just don't know what to ask.....

14-06-11, 14:52
Hi Jaybops

I get unbalanced all the time, and really bad diziness, so much so that it wakes me up in the middle of the night!! and its just because there is too much wax in my ears, because your ears are your balance, if they have too much wax, it can cause sever dizziness, i use otex and the are usually fine after a few days. why dont you ask the doctor about getting your ears syringed?

14-06-11, 15:20
i too have the unblanced/dizziness thing. It has improved a lot but earlier in the year i was freaked by it. The way i deal with things is to just wait and see, if it's anything serious you'd get more symptoms. Worrying made mine worse and i couldn't take my mind off it.
It's highly unlikely to be anything serious and more likely to be either ear related or anxiety or maybe both x

15-06-11, 18:14
Hi Jaybops,

What you're describing sounds really unsettling and scary and I really feel for you at the moment. Depending on how you feel about your doctor, I would try and put more faith in their examinations of you. My mum's boyfriend had a very similar thing recently with the dizziness and he couldn't even get to the doctors for an appointment. Turned out it was a build up of wax and syringing sorted him out.

By the sounds of it though, your anxiety over it is making it worse. The more you worry about it the more you think about the dizziness and why it is happening which causes you to look for reasons and overreact. The viscious cycle continues until you're so worked up you're convinced the symptoms are worsening and that the only explanation is that something terrible is wrong with you. This is the point where you need to try your hardest to think logically. Think of the probabilities of this being the result of something nasty. The probability of the doctor misdianosing you. All very very slim as long as you're generally a healthy person and look after yourself.

I know from repeated experience that anxiety makes everything worse - my neurologist told me this. Take a deep breath and think logically about your symptoms and what the doctor has already told you. I know it's easy to say but worth a try!

Good luck