View Full Version : How many of you... (taking a poll)

14-06-11, 00:00
Have one breast warmer than the other? Would you guys
Mind checking? Sorry its a bit weird, I'm just a tad still worried about it.

14-06-11, 00:04
I sometimes do coming up to my period...as well as one breast bigger than the other! I put it down to swelling and breast tenderness.

14-06-11, 01:13
I get it leading up to my monthly x

14-06-11, 07:13
Maybe not warmer, but there is some swelling before and after my period. I also have bad posture and have a tendency to rest my arm on my left breast which makes it sore and will sometimes get a tingly, pin prick pain near my nipple.

Doc told me this was fairly normal and our bodies just doing what they're suppose to do.

14-06-11, 13:58
Thanks guys, I'll check after my period and hopefully they'll be back to normal.

14-06-11, 17:21
My left is warmer than my right. :) x

14-06-11, 17:52
Thanks, mine too. Hahaa weird question I know. Just my HA :( I feel a bit better now.

14-06-11, 21:06
Anyone else?

15-06-11, 01:48
Hi newbie here, yes I have one boob bigger than the other and it feels warmer too...could be hormonal.....don't worry..I know easier said than done....:flowers:

16-06-11, 16:56
Ive pretty much finished my period and my left breast is STILL warmer :( what's this about?! :( :(

16-06-11, 22:50
More than 100 views, and only a few have this?! :(

16-06-11, 23:51
Hi again,

I think that you have to try to consider the rarity of Inflammatory Breast Cancer hun.

To go by the numbers of women saying they have the same thing here being not enough just isn't logical as a fair few of us are saying yes, we have the same warm breast thing, so therefore the chances are greater that this is a probable hormonal effect rather than that ALL of us here, including yourself, could have IBC.

Does that make sense?

It would be truly incredible if even the perhaps small number of women here that have answered positively about breast warmth were amongst the rare few with IBC.

I really, really hope your fears settle soon hun .xxx:bighug1: