View Full Version : Induced Panic Attack Tomorrow - I'm Looking Forward To That Like A Hole In The Head!

14-06-11, 00:24
Hello folks,

For those of you who don't know my story, I recently had a breakdown (well that's what I'm calling it) and I'm being seen by the Mental Health Crisis Team. They have put me on Citalopram (I'm on Day 8) and they have been regularly checking up on me and generally interfering with my life, lol. Anyway, I have been told that tomorrow a CBT worker who I've not even met before is coming round to induce me to have a panic attack and then he's going to show me how to calm down. I am really not looking forward to this and I wish they hadn't told me in advance as I won't get any sleep now worrying about it! Has anybody else had this done before? I will let you know what happens (if I live to tell the tale, lol)! I am definitely going to wear my best underwear in case they have to call an ambulance. :winks:

Wish me luck people.

14-06-11, 07:11
I'm sure you will be ok hun. I have heard CBT is good for helping panic disorders. I am currently on a waiting list for a psychologist and CBT therapy. All you can do is give it a go and see what happens. I know it's very worrying and I'm no one to talk as I would be feeling the same. Are the critical care team going to be present?
Good Luck
julie xx

14-06-11, 08:58
This sounds like a form of exposure therapy to me, which I know does work, even though it's unpleasant in the process.

I had to do something similar about 8 years ago to get myself to the dentist; I'd had months of toothache, and in the end I got help from a counsellor. It did work, although the first couple of visits were very frightening.

Honestly, if I can do it, anybody can - you'll be fine.

14-06-11, 09:30
I'm not sure exactly how they will induce a panic attack for you, but my CBT therapist got me to deliberately hyperventilate a while back. I really didn't want to do it, but it really surprised me in that it didn't actually make me panic, even though I do have problems with feeling breathless and unsteady when I'm anxious. I wasn't feeling too bad anxiety-wise at the time, so maybe that had something to do with it... Yes, it wasn't a pleasant feeling - it made me feel quite strange and my vision went a bit funny like it does if you get up too quickly, but as soon as that started to happen it was like my body took over and made me breathe normally. And I think most of all, just knowing I was doing it on purpose and was 'in control' made it less scary, whereas what scares me about panic is that it comes from nowhere and can't be controlled. So, it might not be the same for you, but for me it just wasn't anything like the awful spontaneous panicky feelings I get.

There might be other ways of inducing panic apart from hyperventilating though, I'm not sure! And remember - ultimately they can't force you to do it if, on the day, you just feel too anxious and uncomfortable to try.

paula lynne
14-06-11, 10:08
Hiya love xxx Been thinking of you. xxx
I had to do this in a consultants office after I had an EEG years ago. Had wires on my bonce and they made me overbreathe (panting fast)...yes sure enough I started going into a panic..then he told me step by step how to breathe, and I came out of it about 5 mins later. He was pushing home the point about how fundamental correct breathing is regarding panic. It wasnt pleasant, but really got me thinking about my breathing. This is why I always bang on about re-breathing into a paper bag on here I guess.

I think the strange bit it, you will have a stranger come into your home and literally get you to have a panic! I know why they are doing it, but still, that isnt a relaxed situation is it! Anyway, we both know about the underwear :blush: dont we, but Im betting you wont need an ambulance hunny....you will be ok I know it. P x

14-06-11, 10:36
25 minutes until they are due to arrive. I don't think they will need to induce a panic attack - I'm nearly having one already!!! :blush:

14-06-11, 16:38
blimey Shoegal
feel for you ...........and hope you are ok .
sending vibes for good sleep tonight .........and another step forward :hugs:

14-06-11, 16:49
Shoegal, I hope everything's gone fine for you xx

14-06-11, 17:23
Well, I survived. For those of you who have not experienced such joys I will explain what happened.

My support worker turned up with a CBT worker I had never met before. We all sat in my lounge and had a chat about panic symptoms and how they can't hurt or kill you etc (yes I know THAT but I still don't flippin' like them)! Anyway, then the fun really started. First I had to sit down and breathe really fast for one minute. It did not bring on a panic attack but it did make me feel dizzy. I had to sit still for one minute afterwards and then explain my symptoms and wait for them to pass. Then I had to do the same exercise standing up. It was worse standing up as I became quite dizzy AND my legs started to shake. Then I had to remain standing for one minute and wait for the symptoms to pass. Then I had to do the same standing up exercise for 3 minutes which I have to say really set me off! I wouldn't say I had a panic attack but I did get VERY shaky legs and felt really dizzy and disorientated, and I had a really dry mouth too. Then I had to stand up and deal with the symptoms for 3 minutes. I said to the pair of them, as we were stood in a circle in the middle of my lounge PANTING "You do realise that if any of my neighbours see us they will think we are Satanists or something?!"

It was quite funny, I called my CBT therapist a few names (in jest) and I said to him "You know that form I filled in last week where I wrote that I don't get thoughts about harming people? Well can you scribble out my answer and put that I'd like to murder my CBT therapist please?" LOL! :D

As he left, my CBT therapist said I was the nicest and funniest patient he'd ever worked with. I wonder if he says that to all the ladies?

14-06-11, 17:37
Glad it went well Shoegal. It all sounds very exhausting! I hope you can have a nice rest now or at least tonight. Take care x

paula lynne
14-06-11, 18:51
I see your sense of humour shining through in your post. x You are doing ok x

14-06-11, 19:06
I still haven't left the house though Pol, and I'm heavily medicated to boot! :D

paula lynne
14-06-11, 21:20
In time you will love, just not right now x
Sit on the back step tomorrow and just take in the fresh air, listen to the birds, just 5 mins if you can. x

15-06-11, 04:54
When I said I hadn't left the house I didn't mean literally! I play with my dog in the garden every day and one week ago I walked around the corner and back, although I was told to be careful by my Psychiatric nurse because I'm now starting graded exposure therapy and if you do too much you can have a relapse. So I'm waiting for my CBT worker to take me out one day next week. :wacko: