View Full Version : only person that can do this is me!! detox time!!

14-06-11, 09:35
hiya all,
well done enough moaning bout my lack of willpower,with the cigs and booze!!!!had a long hard chat to myself and know that if i did it before i can do it again...so patch (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/#) on and nico mist for help(want to try and avoid the lozzies as was totally addicted to them!! gonna find that hard too!! if think its gonna help me quit ill get some tho,and not goin to have a drink this week tomato juice (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/#) and water all the way....am worrying a bit bout the after work cig but wont take my purse so cant buy ne:smile: catch you laters xx

paula lynne
14-06-11, 09:43
Good luck Bexy, the mind is a powerful thing! Tell yourself YOU are in control and YOU CHOOSE NOT to drink or smoke. I myself have really got to grips with the ole booze, I have a bottle of wine on a Sunday while cooking dinner, and I enjoy it, but abstain in the week. Ive lost half a stone in 2 weeks eating better too, and once I hit my target weight, Im chucking my cigs too......well done for your determination! If you stumble, dont see a failure, just pick yourself up and get right back on track straight away. x:yesyes:

14-06-11, 16:08
thankyou so much for replying!!i could do with loseing weight,and im quite sure that stopping guzzling strongbow every night will help:D,and gotta stop the cigs case my HA comes back big time!!!so heres to giving my poor body a break...lol xx

14-06-11, 16:22
good luck bexy1970 and well done for trying! I stopped drinking every night about 4yrs ago. I occasionally have a bottle of wine (probably too often for me)......and oh dear wish I hadn't - I get so depressed!! Tried the quitting smoking but I've been back on about 5 a day for the past year......or more when I have that drink!
I think I might try your idea of having tomato juice, but I'll add some tabassco. Take care x

14-06-11, 17:42
thank you!! thats what i aim to do,knock it on the head every nte,and just have a couple on the weekend x

15-06-11, 09:41
wheyy,got thro last nte!! tossed and turned a bit!!!!lol...and no smokes either,,,want to get thro this and see how much it effects my anxious early morning feeling too xx:D

15-06-11, 14:55
dont be too hard on yourself if you cant kick all those habits at once. I quit smoking 8 months ago and leant on chocs and wine ( i know...replacing one addiction for the other right...) ...but it helped me get through the trauma of packing in. Now im ditching the wine, still on the chocs. lol
Good luck. Theres some great forums out there too that really help, esp when you are in crisis and need a fag. Also, expect some anxiety to get worse without your little crutch to lean on. Good for you!!!!