View Full Version : Finding it hard to live with Health Anxiety

14-06-11, 10:30
I'm finding it hard to live with my Health Anxiety problem that developed 3 years ago when I was diagnosed with MS and then 4 days later my father suddenly died of a Heart Attack.
Since then I have been constantly down the doctors with every little ache and pain, imagining I have additional health concerns. In particular cancer (of any kind but predominently breast cancer) is a major worry where I constantly feel myself and check my body for irregularities.
The frustrating thing is, I am perfectly aware of how irrational my feelings are and I've had some counselling and told my GP I'm depressed about everything but nothing seems to help.
My main thing is that I beat the odds of having MS where only 1 in 1,000 people are likely to develop it, so why wouldn't I beat those odds again for another disease?
Can anyone offer me any ideas on how to break this mental cycle and what they have found successful?
Any help is gratefully appreciated!!

14-06-11, 11:49
i could be your twin my dad had a heart attack suddenly 5 years ago i have awful ha i check my pulse constantly even though three cardoligsts have told me im fine. i still cant get the panic out of my head.

im always at the doctors with new problems im starting cbt soon i cant really help but just wanted you to kno your not alone x

14-06-11, 13:56
Hi Allyson

I can totally empathise with you. My dad died five years ago and although that hadn't triggered my health anxiety the five year anniversary has certainly set me off on one. Must be something about the father/ daughter relationship. I have a lot symptoms that are definitely anxiety but could also point to other conditions so that's where the panic comes in. You obviously had two very major events happen in an extremely short space of time and it's probably only now that you have been able to take stock of what has happened. When my dad died I was totally devastated but we married 10 weeks later (a date that we hoped my dad would live to see) then within the next two years we moved house, I started a new job, got pregnant, had a baby, fell ill and all whilst living in a building site (and I am borderline OCD with cleaning!!). My anxiety has definitely soared in the past year and I believe it's because I hadn't 'dealt' with these major life issues as they happened. My GP has put me in the box labelled anxious and I don't feel like I am taken seriously when I go there with all my ailments! I also have thought I had breast cancer and was checking for lumps and bumps which in turn makes you feel tender then makes you feel anxious and it's a vicious cycle. I see a CBT therapist and she gives me Bach flower remedies. I also go to yoga once a week where the meditation bit at the end is my favourite part! I also try not to drink too much caffeine -definitely not after midday as I don't think that helps with my anxiety. I take 5HTP which is a herbal relaxation supplement (Holland and Barrett) to help me sleep and have just bought a oil burner to burn lavender oil. I have got relaxation CDs to listen to in bed if I can't sleep! As you can see I am trying just about everything and my husband thinks I am barking mad!!! I hope these suggestions help xx

15-06-11, 17:57
Hi there,

It's so nice to know I'm not alone because it's so isolating when you're in panic mode. I've found it doesn't matter how many people I tell, nothing helps. Their reassurances just bounce right off me.

Thanks for all your tips and suggestions MinnieMouse. They really are helpful as I didn't know about half of those you listed. I like the Yoga idea as I'm sure it would help mentally and physically.

I think you are right about it taking a long time to accept losing a loved one or having genuine health problems, especially if they happen in the same week as with me. I always wonder how other people are able to cope so much better with adversity but I guess we all have our own ways and this Health Anxiety is our way. I wish I could afford to get back into CBT therapy as it really helped at the time.

Thanks for all your support though, it helps!!

15-06-11, 18:36
Hi Allyson

Well I have had to knock the CBT on the head as it was costing too much and my husband worries about money - as do I but at the moment my health (or lack of) takes priority. I have a neurology appointment in a week's time and have been displaying MS symptoms but also could be anxiety so may need to call on you for advice! Do you think you are worrying about other conditions because MS has multiple symptoms anyway? Maybe they are part of the package (so to speak) and you can therefore eliminate any other nasties? I went to the library today (after spending most of my day feeling very deflated) and have taken out a CBT book so will let you know how I get on. It's called the Collins Need to Know Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - maybe you could go to your library and get something similar - for free!

Take care