View Full Version : Some reassurance HIV testing ;(

14-06-11, 12:27
Hi everyone

I am feeling really sad and depressed, I am so scared of what if s :(
I posted a msg here before that I had a low risk incident with a guy more than 2 years ago. I wasnt worried about it considering i was careful not to do anything that would put me on the risk for HIV UNTIL i found out that he was a jerk and stopped calling me probably because i refused to have sex with him. This made me think that he probably had so many partners before and had sex with so many girls and i even went into thinking too extreme that maybe he drugged me the night we stayed together ( he cooked me dinner) and did stuff to me while sleeping but i dont remember it or i can tell myself that i was a little tipsy we took couple shots and a glass of wine and i did something mistakenly. ( I KNOW THAT I WAS aware of everything remember everything but still ;((((((((((( )

SO I got tested after the incident more than 3 months later and it was negative i was fine until i saw at a doctor s forum that the rapid tests sometime give false negative this made me feel SO MAD and anxiety came back with more power and because this happened so long ago now i cant remember everything and my mind play tricks into thinking me that things actually happened :(((((((((((((((((((((((

I will have to get tested again because i am getting married soon and i m soooo scared that this will be positive i wont be able to get married and my whole family will know :((

please helpppp:weep:

14-06-11, 18:37
I think you are fine hun. If you need reassurance because this is making you anxious, go to your local GUM clinic (don't go to your Dr because if your Dr does an HIV test you will have to declare it on ALL future insurance forms regardless of the result - GUM clinics are confidential and you don't have to reveal the test to anyone). Please try not to worry. I don't think you have HIV.

14-06-11, 19:30
Hi Shoegal

Thanks sooooooo much for responding at my post. I thought about that but I am here in the UK for temporary and I dont have anyone who would go with me for testing and I cant bear going alone what if it turns out positive or even a false positive of rapid tests would make me go crazy I feel like. I would need a best friend or someone to go with me you know the first time i tested my best friend was w me and calmed me down during the entire thing :( so I dont think that s an option for now. I am moving back to my country in a month that is where the testing and procedure will be so I guess I ll have to live like this til then :(

Thanks for your response

14-06-11, 20:02
Get the test done as soon as possible ..i believed i had Hiv for months and then my ex partner told me two of his exes had hiv and this just sent me into panic as before i was told this i had this gut feeling his ex had it and that he had passed it to me ...I just flipped out and demanded he come with me and get a test done with me ...i had the test and i was negative ..before that i had a test done ..the quick tests and that too was negative and then i got my doctor to test me again ..i was totally going nuts which i believe was justified but thank god im not positive or am i ....this mean horrible desese takes 3 months to show up in your blood and you dont even get symtoms for five years sometimes ..im going back for another test next week just incase the last thing i want to do is pass somthing on to somebody else and do exacly what my stupid ex could have done to me ! good luck ...get the test done and ease your mind

14-06-11, 20:05
I know exacly how you feel by the way ! ive been there and im still there because it messed my head up so much ...dont suffer with this fear ..get it sorted ..be brave and get the test done ..you will feel miles better for it when u are negative