View Full Version : Strange Feeling In Head

obsessive b
14-06-11, 12:45

I am now on my third week of swopping from seroxt to Citalopram and I am getting really strange sensations in my head like pins and needles which makes me anxious if I din't have this I think my anxiety would be okay. Anyone else experience simular. Doc seems to think I shouldn't worry about it.


14-06-11, 12:54
My third week of citalopram too. I have had the buzzing and pins and needles as well. I swapped to taking it later at night and I have felt a little better today. Still feel like a zombie from time to time but my mood has elevated a bit.
Stick at it I was worried too when I first started these pills.


obsessive b
14-06-11, 15:02
Thanks Scoob I will. It's scary when it happens but I'm sure it will settle down. Do you have it for anxiety and what dose are you on?

B x

14-06-11, 20:18
I'm on 20 mg for depression and anxiety. never been on them before so all a bit new to me too. Slwoly kicking in for the depression but the anxiety still creeps up on me.


obsessive b
14-06-11, 21:06
Yeah know what you mean - keep in touch let me know your progress


14-06-11, 22:48
Hang in there - side effects like this are common. Although it feels quite bad now, they should start to pass soon as the medication gets to work and settles down.

15-06-11, 00:32
You too B. Still have so many thoughts racing through my head need time to sort out the right choices & work out what is me and what the meds are doing to me.
