View Full Version : Feeling like a pest, been to the doctors AGAIN :(

14-06-11, 15:08
So, i'm beginning to feel like a total pest at my doctors now but I still feel like I havevn't got an answer.

I know for a fact i've got HA becuase I am obsessed with my health and any little twinge or pain I totally freak out.

I have been getting headaches for the past few months, not really painful or anything just like a pressure feeling/cold feeling, only on the right side of my head. They are usually around the front like above my eye and around my temple and its starting to worry me now...ALOT.

I've been to the doctors numerous times about this and they don't seem at all concerned (I thought this was a good thing but then again it could mean my docotor is just sick of seeing me). I've been told that it is Tension headache loads of times and there is no way I have a Brain Tumour or anything suspicious going on but I still can't sem to accept this which is really annoying!!

Anyway, today I have been told it could be my sinuses and to be honest i'm getting stressed out about the fact that they haven't offered me a CT/MRI or anything just to be sure.
I was slightly reassured after going to the opticians on Saturday and getting the all clear for no pressure in my head from him but after googling head pressure (*wrist slap* as I know google is the ultimate anxiety starter) it came up with brain tumours as the number one result :huh:

...Help, this is really playing on my mind! my mums grandad died of a brain tumour :unsure:

14-06-11, 15:21
your not a pest to a doctor its his job and thay do know there jobs
if there was any thing wrong he would know try not to worry much
oh just to say google dont not work for the nhs dont google
god bless

14-06-11, 17:21
naughty google - if you can't resist then try putting your symptom in with the word anxiety afterwards and you will find a whole different set of reasons for your symptom.

If you have had a clear eye test then the you have more chance of winning the lottery than having a brain tumour or something like that extremely remote!